Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Woman's Health

Have you ever had abdominal pain so severe that makes you feel you're dying?
It happened to me yesterday. The pain was so severe I was taken to an emergency care after 10 pm.

After urine and blood tests, the doctor could not find any visiable symptoms from both tests. The doctor indicated it might be a hernia however, he ordered CT test for an evaluation. Forty-five minutes later, CT test result came back as Uterine Fibroids.

My first reaction to doctor without knowing about Uterine Fibroids, I wanted to know what causes it. However, the doctor's answer astonished me, "no one knows."

It turned out to be Uterine fibroids are the most common tumors of the female genital tract according to, which I was not aware of. However, the symptoms that the doctor described are very familiar.

  • Heavy, prolonged menstrual periods and unusual monthly bleeding, sometimes with clots. This can lead to anemia.
  • Pelvic pain and pressure
  • Pain in the back and legs
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Bladder pressure leading to a frequent urge to urinate
  • Pressure on the bowel, leading to constipation and bloating
  • Abnormally enlarged abdomen

According to, twenty to 40 percent of women age 35 and older have uterine fibroids of a significant size. African American women are at a higher risk for fibroids: as many as 50 percent have fibroids of a significant size. Uterine fibroids are the most frequent indication for hysterectomy in premenopausal women and, therefore, are a major public health issue. Of the 600,000 hysterectomies performed annually in the United States, one-third are due to fibroids.

Even though, women who have fibroids can not feel anything different unless there is visible symptom or diagnosed for fibroids. However, fibroids are treatable, particularly Uterine Fibroid.

Here is more information about Fibroids from NWHN (National Women's Health Network).

What are fibroids?
Common name: Uterine FibroidsMedical name: Uterine Leiomyomata (pronounced you-ter-in lie-oh-my-oh-mah-tah)Uterine fibroids are tumors or lumps made of muscle cells and other tissue that grow within the walls of the uterus. Fibroids may grow as a single tumor or in clusters. A single fibroid can be less than one inch in size or can grow to eight inches across or more. A bunch or cluster of fibroids can all vary in size. Uterine fibroids are the most common, non-cancerous tumors in women of childbearing age.

What are the risk factors for developing uterine fibroids?
Current statistics show that African-American women are three to five times more likely to develop fibroids than women of other racial groups[1]. Women who are overweight or obese for their height based on body mass index are also at a slightly elevated risk for developing fibroids as compared to women who are an average weight for their height. Research shows that women who have given birth are also at lower risk for developing uterine fibroids. However, because researchers don't know what causes fibroids, it is difficult to decipher all the risk factors.

Where do uterine fibroids grow?
Most fibroids grow within the walls of the uterus. Healthcare providers classify fibroids into three groups based on where they grow:
a) Submucosal fibroids grow just underneath the uterine lining.
b) Intramural fibroids grow in between the muscles of the uterus.
c) Subserosal fibroids grow on the outside of the uterus.

What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?
Many women with uterine fibroids don't feel any symptoms, however for about 30% of women in their childbearing years fibroids can cause any combination of the following symptoms: heavy bleeding, anemia, abdominal pain or pressure, incontinence, or constipation[1]. Other symptoms might include painful periods, bleeding between periods, feeling "full" in the lower abdomen - sometimes called "pelvic pressure", urinating often, pain during sex, lower back pain, reproductive problems, such as infertility, multiple miscarriages, and early onset of labor during pregnancy.

Self-Help Treatments for Fibroids
Women who are taking estrogen may be able to reduce the growth of fibroids by discontinuing their use of the hormone. Some women try to prevent or reduce fibroid growth by avoiding processed foods and the hormones usually found in commercial meat, dairy and egg products, however there is no solid scientific evidence proving the efficacy of this approach. For many women yoga exercises are another simple and useful way of easing some of the discomfort associated with fibroids.

Biomedical Treatment Options for Fibroids

Watchful Waiting
Of the more than 75% of women who will be affected by fibroids during their childbearing years, only 30% will experience symptoms to such an extent that intervention will be required[1]. If symptoms are not interfering with the individual's daily life she might consider using the "watch and wait" method. Depending on the size, growth rate and level of discomfort caused by the fibroids, individuals might simply choose to monitor their fibroids with a yearly pelvic exam. If fibroids are larger, rapidly growing or causing a high level of discomfort in the individual's life, she may want to schedule more frequent exams and consider using sonogram technology to monitor her fibroids. In either approach, patients should work together with their health care provider to evaluate the status of their fibroids and decide if/when intervention is desirable or necessary.

Drug Therapy, Alone or in Combination with Surgery
a) NSAIDs or "nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs" like ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen can help control cramps and bleeding (by slowing down the production of prostaglandins) associated with fibroids.

b) The Pill is occasionally prescribed to control fibroids, especially if the individual is experiencing troubling symptoms like excessive or irregular bleeding. However, new research conducted by the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), indicates that fibroids are not significantly responsive to reproductive hormones. According to the NICHD's 2004 study conducted by Dr. Phyllis Leppert and Dr. James Segars, fibroids are made up of abnormal tissue that is not particularly affected by reproductive hormones. For this reason, researchers assert that hormone therapy may shrink fibroids slightly but will not eliminate them altogether.

c) GnRH Agonists (or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists) are prescribed as a method for shrinking fibroids. GnRH agonists prevent the body from producing estrogen, which, since fibroids need estrogen to grow, helps shrink existing fibroids. GnRH agonists are also sometimes used in combination with surgery, which, at its best, forces fibroids to shrink pre-operation and allows for shorter, less complicated surgeries. At its worst, GnRH agonists in combination with surgery can make fibroids soft and hard to remove, or shrink the fibroids to such an extent that they are overlooked during surgery.

Uterine Artery Embolization (also known as Uterine Fibroid Embolization, UAE or UFE) is a relatively new approach to fibroid intervention that forces fibroids to degenerate by cutting off their blood supply. During the procedure, the patient is under conscious sedation and a slender tube is inserted into the large artery near the groin. The patient is then injected with a dye that shows up on an X-ray machine and helps guide the surgeon. When the catheter is in the uterine artery, the surgeon releases tiny particles called polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Particles are then guided by the flow of blood and eventually lodge next to the fibroids. The positioning of the particles next to the fibroids slows the flow of blood to the uterus and blocks the fibroids? blood supply. Although UAE has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of fibroids, it is still a relatively new and experimental procedure, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) underscores that more data is needed on the safety and effectiveness of UAE before it can be considered a standard of care.

Surgical Procedures that Remove or Neutralize the Fibroids and Keep the Uterus Intact
a) Myomectomy is less destructive than hysterectomy, and far less frequently performed. Myomectomy removes fibroids and leaves the rest of the uterus intact or includes additional surgery to repair the walls of the uterus. There are three different types of myomectomies that surgeons perform for fibroid removal: vaginal myomectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy and abdominal myomectomy. The first, vaginal myomectomy can only be done if the patient has relatively small fibroids inside the cavity of her uterus and is most successful for fibroids that grow on a stalk. Using the hysteroscope the doctor inserts a miniature camera via the patient's vagina; the uterus is then filled with saline solution to expand the walls, and using another tool, the doctor shaves the fibroids away until they're at the same level as the uterus wall. Laparoscopic myomectomy techniques also employ a camera to assist the doctor and operating room staff in the removal of fibroids. A video monitor shows a view of the patient's abdominal region and assists the doctor visually as he or she removes the fibroids in very small pieces usually with the help of a mechanical device called a morcellator, which chops fibroids into "morsels." Lastly, the abdominal myomectomy uses similar techniques as the vaginal and laparoscopic methods but provides the surgeon with a greater field of vision and allows the surgical staff more room to make sure blood vessels have been tied off and surgery is "clean" before surgery is finished.

b) Myolysis uses heat in combination with GnRH agonists to shrink fibroids, killing them and their blood supply. Laparoscopic surgical methods enable the doctor to pierce fibroids with a laser or electrified needle. In this procedure the fibroids are not removed, nor is the uterus opened, however the procedure leaves the uterus too weak to carry a developing fetus.

c) Cryomyolysis is still a fairly experimental technique that uses GnRH agonist treatment to reduce fibroid size in combination with a needle that freezes rather than burns fibroids, as in myolysis. One insertion of a freezing needle can affect 4 to 6 centimeters at a time, a significantly greater area than can be reached at one time using myolysis. More research is still needed on the long-term effects of cryomyolysis.

Hysterectomy is a procedure which can relieve troubling or disabling fibroid symptoms, yet in the United States is far over-prescribed and should be weighed against other viable and available treatment options. The three most common types of hysterectomies vary in their severity from supracervical hysterectomy which removes only the back portion of the uterus, to total hysterectomy which removes the uterus and the cervix, to total abdominal hysterectomy which removes the uterus, cervix, both ovaries and the fallopian tubes.

For more information on fibroids, contact NWHN at (202) 628-7814, or at

Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama's Character and Corruption

Are some americans really that stupid as Obama thinks they are?
We thought we heard it all about Obama: his voting records, radical relationships, his corruption, his character issues, and his appetite for power.

Are some americans really that stupid? I don't believe that but I wonder whether they ever pay attention to any news or listen to others about the presidential nominees before casting their votes. It's scary to think that some americans will actually vote for Obama as a president of the United States.

Here are facts about Obama:

  • He promises to raise taxes and increase government spending at a time of economic crisis. His voting records in Senate proves that.

  • His entitlement programs will bankrupt the United State's economy. There is no money to support that anyway.

  • He promises to retreat from the War on Terror and unconditional talks with terroristic countries such as Iran and N. Korea, etc.

  • His long time relationship with a hate-spewing racist Rev. Wright and Father Pflager, former domestic terrorist William Ayer and his wife Dorn, convicted landlord Tony Razko, and his ties with voting fraud related Acone non-profit organization.

  • Ties with Fanie Mae and Freddie Mac by receiving 2nd most money from them following Chris Dodd.

  • His voting record on "infanticide bill" that was too extreme even for Nancy Pelosi.

  • His earmarking funds to his wife Michelle Obama's employer so her salary tripled the year he became a senator. Wake up america, he is in it for himself and his family.

  • His first election to be a senator by having his lawyers knock his opponents off the ballot on technicalities. We have seen recent incidents on voting fraud in many states by Acone. He was a defense lawyer for Acone and trained Acone's voting recruiters. Recently, he gave $800,000 to Acone for his campaign. He is so hungry for power he will do anything.

  • His ties with Kanyan's corrupted government and presidential nominee and more. There are endless other facts that prove he is the most corrupted and has the most flawed character politician ever running the presidency.

  • His black theology which based on hatred on whites. He often brings racist comments on himself as his campaign tactics to scare John McCain's campaign shows he is a racist.

  • Are some Americans that blind? Are they so desperate to change and it doesn't really matter who becomes a president of the United States? I still believe and pray that Americans are smarter than Obama thinks they are.

    Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    Economic Crisis

    Leadership: John McCain has it, Barack Obama hasn't.
    Economy is in crisis. Midst of it, John McCain calls for Friday's presidential debate to be delayed due to his plan to be at the congress to deal with our economic crisis. He also supended his campaign and he asked Obama to join him to solve the problem. That's a leadership. He puts his country first.

    Contrarily, Barack Obama respondid at the news conference saying that he doesn't think why they cannot do both. Another words, he wants to do debate on Friday. In addition, he tells the congress that "....if they need me, they can call me."

    Debate on Friday supposed be about foreign policy. We are in economic crisis right now and foreign policy can wait. I guess he has been rehearsing so hard that he doesn't want to delayed the debate. His judgment and leadership again is questionable.

    McCain has been asking Obama to have debate together instead of separate interview styles. He refused both times.

    McCain has been bagging Obama to do ten townhall meetings together but he refused all of them. He knows that he doesn't have experience and core belief to convince voters at the townhall meetings against John McCain. He knows that he cannot use a teleprompter and he doesn't know which answer to give when people ask questions at the townhall meetings.

    Our economic crisis cannot wait and 'we need a serious, pro-growth plan for America's long-term economic health.' (Newt Gingrich)

    First of all, Obama received second highest amount of money after Chris Dodd from Fredi Mac, Fanni Mae, and Merril Lynch while he was in senate for four years. During those four years, he has been campaigning for the presidency for one and a half years. You wonder why he hesitated to say anything about their bailout. His top chief advisors were top executives at Fanni Mae and Merril Lynch.

    If you think you are voting for a lesser evil for a president, you should consider voting for John McCain. He is willing to do right thing for the country. He is not putting himself first. The fact of the matter is that Obama is a talker and McCain is a doer. Do we need a DOER or a TALKER as a president of the United States?

    Time after time, we have seen Obama will do, would do, and say anything for his ambition like Nancy Peloci and Harry Reed. Both are for party first and so is Obama. He is in it for himself like Nancy Peloci and Harry Reed. They don't care about you and me.

    Obama failed to prove he is for change for the better. He proved to us however, he has a tendency for corruption and lack of judgment and character.

    It will be mistaken if you are thinking of voting for him on November hoping to get free healthcare, college tuition, childcare, and other social welfare. This country will be bankrupt and your job will be gone in return.

    If you have a dream of being an entrepreneur, it will be harder to make your dream come true. The American dream that we know will be gone because he will purnish your success and hard work.

    If you're thinking of voting Obama, think about Obama's association with Rev. Wright, terrorists William Ayers and Bernadith Dorn, Father Pfleger, and his sweet deal with Chicago Slum Lord Rosco. His early years of study in black theology is based on hatred of white and his social study on Marxism will influence in his policy.

    However, as I always believe that Americans are smarter than Obama thinks we are. Americans can see real Obama beyond his words and pretentiousness. At the end of the day, Americans will vote for the right person, John McCain.


    Wednesday, September 17, 2008

    Barack Obama: Black America

    A Black America's Perspective on Why Barack Obama is not Good For America

    You've read David Freddoso's "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate"
    Then, you read Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality"
    NOW you need to read it from a Black American's perspective: William Owens, Jr. "Obama why Black America Should have Doubts"

    Author William Owens, Jr. uniquely addresses the devastating "mindset" of Black America, which is to abdicate their core principles and beliefs for the addictive "feel good" words of a politician. And, polls are proving this out.

    According to one Gallup Poll, an explosive 91 percent of Black Americans support Obama.

    Owens argues that electing Obama as president will not only radically impact our society - in terms culture, traditions, and beliefs - and weaken our national security, but he will also set back Black America for decades to come.

    Obama why Black America Should have Doubts analyzes in depth:

    • Who is Barack Obama?
    • What does he believe? How does this differ with Black America's interests?
    • How does Obama stand up in a side-by-side comparison with Martin Luther King, Jr.?
    • What has Obama committed to do if elected?
    • How will Obama's tax-laden agenda actually hurt Black America? All America?
    • Are Black Americans hurting themselves by being too focused on race?
    • How can Black America - and all America - preserve our foundation?

    Owens confesses, "I recognize that I could be branded for the rest of my life for taking an unpopular stand against the first Black American to run for President of the United States. Nevertheless, I willingly accept the mantle that has fallen on me, and I am at peace with my decision because I must speak out."
    "Through the writing of this book, my family and I are attempting to speak directly to Black American families. However, let it also be a clarion to all Americans."

    "For those who suggest that Barack Obama advances the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, I say look again. His politics are anathema to the dream!"
    Dr. Alveda King (Niece to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

    "The idea that so many Bible believers would consider choosing their racial ethnicity over their Christian ethics is alarming. William Owens, Jr. candidly brings eternal truths into the election 2008 discussion. 'Obama - Why Black America Should Have Doubts' is thoughtful, bold and refreshing."
    Star Parker, Author & Syndicated Columnist

    "Dr. King challenged us to judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. William Owens, Jr. is a rare Black American willing to hold Barack Obama to that necessary standard."
    Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Author of "SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America"; Founder and President of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny

    Article from Human

    Wednesday, September 10, 2008

    Boar War: Unpresidential

    Slick Obama
    We have been questioning Obama's judgments on a lot of things whether it's about his associations, words, or even on his gestures. I have never seen any candidate acting juvile before. Particularly, someone who is running the campaign as high mighty and above all of Washington politicians. Obama hasn't proved that one bit and he's been worse. Above all, he is very unpresidential.

    Obama's recent lipstic comment has been controvertial. "Lipstic on a pic, it's still a pic" is another his slick behavior. Many media referred his comment to Sara Palin's acceptance speech, "What is difference between hockey mom and pitbull? Lipstic."

    Barack Obama has been desperate since Sara Palin energized McCain's Campaign and many polls show the results. He is revealing his true temperament.

    Some people went out of their ways to say his comment is not referring to Palin. However, I see it as his calculated strategy in a pathetic way. He knew exactly what he was saying.

    We've seen his middle finger and brushing off his shoulder gestures in one of his speech about Hillary's comments during the Democratic primary. Again, he got away with it without questions asked.

    His comments about racism referring to McCain Campaign might raise a question about his skin color. Even though, no one mentioned about his race other than himself. He got away with it too.

    His judgment on relationships with terrorists Bernadith Dorn, William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Father Flagger, and Chicago slum lord Rosco had never been questioned by media. He also got away with it.

    Again and again, anyone questions his actions, he responses as everyone lies including questions about his birth certificate and religion background. He got away with it.

    Aren't you tired of his whinning, execuse, phoniness, arrogance, pretentiousness and his juvile gestures? It's ironic that he is the worst politician with no qualifications, character, and class, but running his campaign as mighty high and above all attitude. We are seeing 'real Barack Obama' as campaign is closing on him.

    No matter how eloquent Obama's speech may be in front of the teleprompter, he hasn't convinced me that he is the right person to be the president of the United States. "A BUSINESS SUIT ON A PIC, IT'S STILL A PIC."

    Energy Solution

    Drill Here, Drill Now...the Song
    By Newt Gingrich

    This week I am eager to report to you on how plans for our second annual Solutions Day are coming along and tell you an immediate step you can take to advance the movement for more American energy now.

    But first, I have some exciting, fun news! The Drill Here, Drill Now movement has now inspired a song.

    Country music star Aaron Tippin has taken the grassroots support for the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" movement to a whole new level with his new hit single "Drill Here, Drill Now."

    We debuted the song on the Sean Hannity radio show this afternoon. When I first heard the song, I knew it would become the rallying cry for those who support drilling for more American-made energy. The lyrics masterfully capture the many arguments for drilling now for more American oil, and if you're anything like me, you'll immediately want your friends and family to hear it too.

    You can download or preview the song here. This catchy tune is destined to become a big hit, so download it today.

    Drill Here, Drill Now: Urgent Action Needed to Advance Offshore Drilling
    In light of President Bush's July announcement to eliminate the executive ban on offshore drilling, the U.S. Minerals Management Service has decided to initiate a new plan to increase energy production on the outer continental shelf (OCS). As part of the regulatory process, the agency is calling for public comments on offshore oil and gas development through September 15, 2008.

    In the meantime, unfortunately, the Democratic Congress is planning votes on bills that would actually make all or part of the offshore drilling ban permanent. Now is the time to let the federal government know we need full and unfettered access to America's offshore energy resources.

    Take immediate action by clicking here. Let your voice be heard in favor of expanding American offshore energy production.

    • The OCS contains 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. However, 85% of the OCS surrounding the lower 48 states is off-limits to energy exploration and production.
    • Increasing access to these offshore resources is critical to America's economic and energy security.

    As taxpayers, American citizens own these offshore federal lands and the energy resources that lie beneath them.

    I urge you to click here for a quick and easy way to register your support for expanded offshore drilling.

    Another Failed Stimulus Package or An Energy Jobs Investment Act?
    Congress has a golden opportunity to boost the economy and lower energy prices at the same time if they make the right choices now. But instead of taking advantage of the movement to lower energy prices by producing more American energy, Congressional leaders are talking about spending more money on a phony stimulus package.

    The same people who put us $152 billion further in debt for no economic gain earlier this year now want to waste another $50 billion to $70 billion on short term spending that simply won't work.

    The Democrats in Congress want to pile a second stimulus package on top of February's failed $152 billion stimulus package. To pay for it they will either raise taxes (which will further hurt the economy), or they will borrow the money.

    I warned back in January that a "stimulus" package would not create real growth.

    There is a much better alternative. Instead of a debt-and-tax-raising short-term spending solution, we need a long-term, jobs-producing, energy-cost-lowering solution: An Energy Jobs Investment Act.

    Using Additional Revenue from Energy Exploration to Pay for Energy Investment
    An Energy Jobs Investment Act would permit exploration for oil and gas on federal land and set aside the federal revenue from that bill to pay for energy investment.

    There are estimates that the "All of the Above" energy bill Congressman John Boehner has introduced would produce at least $25 billion a year in new leasing revenue. That would be $250 billion to $300 billion over ten years.

    But there are two additional federal revenue increases from increasing domestic energy production.

    First there would be a rise in tax revenue from the companies and individuals directly engaged in energy production.

    Second, there is an increase in the general domestic economy created by keeping the money at home. For every $100 billion spent on American energy instead of foreign energy, there is a multiplier effect of a bigger domestic economy. After all, if the construction boom in Dubai were occurring in St Louis, it would be good for the American economy and therefore for federal government revenues.

    Energy Investment Jobs Bill Would Also Save Federal Taxpayers Money
    And there is another positive effect for the federal government from increased energy production: The federal government is the largest purchaser of energy in the United States (consider the Air Force and Navy purchase of jet fuel for example). If increased energy production brings down fuel and electricity prices the federal budget is helped substantially.

    All of these factors are real and calculable. The problem is none of them are factored into the current budget process.

    The current federal budget process cannot distinguish between a cost and an investment, and it cannot contemplate a time horizon longer than a year.

    The Budget Act in its current form favors short-term spending with no feed back and no return on the investment. It is the opposite of sound business practices. It should be amended to provide that investments can be repaid over time just as they would be in the private sector.

    Create a Federal Energy Trust Fund
    The Energy Jobs Investment Act would create a Federal Energy Trust Fund into which would flow all federal revenue from new leasing. Then the fund could be used to either repay existing obligations or to pay for new energy activities.

    Since it will take two or three years to generate enough leasing revenue, the Trust should borrow the initial funds and then be paid back with both interest and principal so there would be no new net debt by the end of the decade.

    What the Energy Jobs Investment Act Would Do
    The Energy Jobs Investment Act would create a Manhattan Project for energy development designed to leverage the private sector and the market to create a dramatic increase in American energy production and American energy self sufficiency. It would:

    1. Allow offshore drilling for oil and gas.

    2. Share the lease revenue 50-50 with the states.

    3. Allow development of oil shale in the Rocky Mountains.

    4. Put all the federal revenue into an Energy Trust Fund.

    5. Increase and extend the solar power tax credit for 20 years.

    6. Create a clean coal development project with the following
    four parallel experiments each contracted on a crash basis
    along the lines of the Wilson-Leavitt-Schwarzenegger
    incentivized highway projects (see my book Real Change):

    • The Future Gen project at Mattoon Illinois;
    • The Post Combustion Recapture Project;
    • The Oxycombustion project; and
    • The Coal CO2 capture and enhanced oil recovery project.

    These four projects create the possibility for a wide range of experimental breakthroughs for America's most abundant and lowest cost energy to be environmentally acceptable. They could be built on a 25% cost share with electric generating companies and with an agreement that any profit from their success would be split evenly with the federal government until the taxpayers were repaid for the investment. Coal is the most abundant energy source on the planet, and the Chinese are about to have the clean coal technology to license worldwide because of the Energy Department Bureaucracy. These four fast-track projects would enable America to recapture the lead and liberate our most abundant energy resource.

    7. Create a new licensing and inspection regime for nuclear
    power to accelerate the construction of new nuclear plants.

    8. Extend the wind tax credit on a compatible basis with
    other technologies to develop a competitive market for
    new breakthroughs.

    9. Create a prize for a major breakthrough in battery technology.

    10. Create a refundable tax credit for the retooling necessary
    to create flex fuel cars on the same scale as Brazil
    (our goal should be 80 to 90% of all new cars by 2011).

    11. Make energy production investments subject to 100%
    expensing so they can be written off in one year (if this
    includes drilling, the explosion in new sources of natural
    gas and oil will dwarf our current problems).

    This kind of dynamic energy jobs investment program would meet America's national security needs and create permanent jobs with a permanent increase in the economy.

    This is a much better future than another failed stimulus package which will accomplish nothing while increasing our indebtedness and weakening our long-term economy.

    Combine an Energy Jobs Investment Act with Real Tax and Social Security Reform To Create an Explosion of Economic Growth
    In addition to developing more American energy to strengthen our economy, Peter Ferrara and I outlined last week in the Weekly Standard how an agenda of real tax and social security reforms would benefit middle America. Developing more American energy combined with real tax reform would lead to a revolution in the personal prosperity of working people.

    Solutions Day 2.0: September 27, 2008
    It is exactly these sorts of innovative solutions to America's public problems that inspired American Solutions to host our first annual Solutions Day in 2007. Over 100,000 people participated in person, via the web or on television and our second annual Solutions Day is shaping up to be even bigger and better.

    Anyone interested in finding real solutions to our energy crisis as well as our economic, education and health challenges should sign up today for this year's Solutions Day on September 27.

    Visit to register and find out how to participate.

    Solutions Day will feature presentations of real solutions for energy, the economy, education and health by both Democrats and Republicans.

    Michael Williams of Texas (R) (the Texas Railroad Commissioner) and Roy Romer of Colorado (D) (the former head of the Los Angeles School District) will participate as well as pollster KellyAnne Conway, and representing the Center for Health Transformation, former Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro and former NBA star Dominique Wilkins.

    September 27 is Also the 14th Anniversary of the Contract with America
    It's appropriate that we hold Solutions Day on September 27 because it is the 14th anniversary of the Contract with America.

    Fourteen years ago we pledged to reform welfare, cut taxes, and balance the federal budget.

    We delivered on our promises. Sixty five percent of welfare recipients went to work or to school. Taxes were cut for the first time in 16 years, the federal budget was balanced for four straight years (the first time since the 1920s) and $405 billion in federal debt was paid off.

    Now we need fundamental, real solutions once again.

    Join us for Solutions Day and tell your friends to do the same.

    Your friend,

    Newt Gingrich

    Friday, September 5, 2008

    John McCain and Sara Palin

    Choice is Clear For The Next President of the United States

    I watched both Democratic and Republican National Convention(DNC & RNC) with open mind to see what both candidates had to say about their vision for the country as a president of the United States. Even though, I had a reservation about Barack Obama on his past before DNC. Particularly about his judgements on his association one after anoter such as under ground terrorist William Ayers and Rev. Wright but I still watched DNC wanting to hear something new.

    After watching both conventions, I concluded that there is no doubt that my choice is clear for the next president of the United States should be John McCain. More than anything, I have growing uncertainty and uneasiness about Obama's policy on entitlement and income redistribution which I believe it's completely against the foundation of this country is built on.

    We know that McCain has integrity, character, wisdom, and experience that we can trust but Obama failed to demonstrate to me that he has all those qualities.

    His past showed me time after time he is not the person who he is trying hard to portrait to be. To Obama, everything seems evolves around him including his campaign for the presidency not for the people, all about him.

    His change is dangerous to the United States according to his belief and vision that he spoke of; income redistribution, universal healthcare, universal college tuition, and other social programs. His belief on black theology and Marxism are based on hatred and social rebellion.

    His social program will cost billions of billions of dollars of tax payers. His tax program will not help no one, not for small businesses, not for working people, nor for corporations. America will be no longer economically the strongest country on earth. It will be hard for anyone who has an American dream to make it come true on his presidency.

    He promises that 95% of income earners will get tax cuts. However, he will raise taxes for everything else such as capital, dividends, and businesses. Consquently, consumers will pay much higher cost for everything and less jobs will be available. American businesses will lose its edge in the global competition.

    Obama can say all day long 'Change he can belive in' but no one else can. I'd rather be 'Change I can trust' with a person whom we already know about such as John McCain. Ironically, John McCain is the one that has the agent for change by appointing Sara Palin as a running mate unlike Obama.

    John McCain recognizes his limitation and he knows his running mate can compromise it.

    Under obama's policy, Washington will be filled with more lobbiests ever and businesses will be as usual as before even become worse. The government bureucrats will run our lives and the government will control everything.

    The government already proved that the government controled programs don't work time after time. I cannot imagine all the programs that Obama tried to make universal, there is no way the government can run anything effectively.

    I disagree in some issues with McCain such as immigration and others but there is no doubt that he has all the qualitis, experience, and characteristics of a person to be a president. Most of all, we can trust him.

    Choice is clear. At the end of the day, I know our Americans are smarter than Obama thinks we are. They can see the difference between McCain and Obama and they will choose the right person as our president of the United States.

    Wednesday, September 3, 2008

    Change We Can Trust

    McCain and Sarah Palin Ticket

    Since Sarah Palin was appointed as a vice presidential running mate by Senator John MaCain, there has been excitement around republican campaign and a reason to vote for him. However, she has been media's prey and frange to tear apart her credentials and her character.

    It's an ironic that Obama campaign diminished Palin's experience as a major and discredited her experience as a governor in Alaska. Meanwhile, he has no experience in executive level at all. He has been a community organizer before he became a senator in Illinois three years ago. Most of his time in senate, he spent campaigning for his own presidency.

    No one including Obama himself can even name one his accomplishment. No wonder he only could say his executive experience as running his own campaign. Even though, others are running it for him, he tried to take the credit as his own experience.

    Ann Coulter explains the best about whole thing.

    The Best Man Turned Out To Be A Woman
    By Ann Coulter

    John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, as his running mate finally gave Republicans a reason to vote for him -- a reason, that is, other than B. Hussein Obama.

    The media are hopping mad about McCain's vice presidential selection, but they're really furious over at MSNBC. After drawing "Keith (plus) Obama" hearts on their denim notebooks, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews stayed up all night last Thursday, writing jokes about Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, the presumed vice presidential pick. Now they can't use any of them.

    So the media are taking it out on our brave Sarah and her 17-year-old daughter.

    They claimed Palin was chosen only because she's a woman. In fact, Palin was chosen because she's pro-life, pro-gun, pro-drilling and pro-tax cuts. She's fought both Republicans and Democrats on public corruption and does not have hair plugs like some other vice presidential candidate I could mention. In other words, she's a "Republican."

    As a right-winger, Palin will appeal to the narrow 59 percent of Americans who voted for another former small-market sportscaster: Ronald Reagan. Our motto: Sarah Palin is only a heartbeat away! If you're going to say Palin was chosen because she's a woman, you're going to have to demonstrate that the runners-up were more qualified. Gov. Tim Pawlenty seems like a terrific fellow and fine governor, but he is not obviously more qualified than Palin.

    As for former governor of Pennsylvania Tom Ridge and Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman, the other also-rans, I can think of at least 40 million unborn reasons she's better than either of them.

    Within the first few hours after Palin's name was announced, McCain raised $4 million in campaign donations online, reaching $10 million within the next two days. Which shortlist vice presidential pick could have beaten that?

    The media hysterically denounced Palin as "inexperienced." But then people started to notice that she has more executive experience than B. Hussein Obama -- the guy at the top of the Democrats' ticket.

    They tried to create a "Troopergate" for Palin, indignantly demanding to know why she wanted to get her ex-brother-in-law removed as a state trooper. Again, public corruption is not a good issue for someone like Obama, Chicago pol and noted friend of Syrian National/convicted felon Antoin Rezko.

    For the cherry on top, then we found out Palin's ex-brother-in-law had Tasered his own 10-year-old stepson. Defend that, Democrats.

    The bien-pensant criticized Palin, saying it's irresponsible for a woman with five children to run for vice president. Liberals' new talking point: Sarah Palin: Only five abortions away from the presidency.

    They claimed her newborn wasn't her child, but the child of her 17-year-old daughter. That turned out to be a lie.

    Then they attacked her daughter, who actually is pregnant now, for being unmarried. When liberals start acting like they're opposed to pre-marital sex and mothers having careers, you know McCain's vice presidential choice has knocked them back on their heels.

    But at least liberal reporters had finally found someone their own size to pick on: a 17-year-old girl.

    Speaking of Democrats with newborn children, the media weren't particularly concerned about John Edwards running for president despite his having a mistress with a newborn child.

    While the difficult circumstances of Palin's pregnant daughter are being covered like a terrorist attack on the nation, with leering accounts of the 18-year-old father, the media remain resolutely uninterested in the parentage of Edwards' mistress's love child. Except, that is, the hardworking reporters at the National Enquirer, who say Edwards is the father.

    As this goes to press, the latest media-invented scandal about Palin is that McCain didn't know her well before choosing her as his running mate. He knew her well enough, though admittedly, not as well as Obama knows William Ayers.

    John F. Kennedy, who was -- from what the media tell me -- America's most beloved president, detested his vice president, Lyndon Johnson.

    Until Clinton interviewed Al Gore one time before choosing him as his vice presidential candidate, he had met Gore only one other time: when Gore was running for president in 1988 and flew to Little Rock seeking Clinton's endorsement. Clinton turned him down.

    To this day, there's no proof that Bill Clinton ever met one-on-one with his CIA director, James Woolsey, other than a brief chat after midnight the night before Woolsey's nomination was announced.

    Barring some all-new, trivial and probably false story about Palin -- her former hairdresser got a parking ticket in 1978! -- the media apparently intend to keep being hysterical about McCain's alleged failure to "vet" Palin properly. The problem with this argument is that it presupposes that everyone is asking: "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?"

    No one's saying that.

    Attacks on McCain's "vetting" process require the media to keep claiming that Palin has a lot of problems. But she doesn't have any problems. Remember? Those were all blind alleys.

    Unfortunately, for the ordinary TV viewer hearing nonstop hysteria about nonspecific "problems," it takes a lot of effort to figure out that every attack liberals have launched against Palin turned out to be a lie.

    It's as if a basketball player made the winning shot in the last three seconds of the game and liberals demand that we have a week-long discussion about whether the player should have taken that shot. WHAT IF HE MISSED?

    With Palin, McCain didn't miss.

    Tuesday, September 2, 2008

    If Obama Loses...

    And If Obama Loses?
    By Patrick J. Buchanan

    DENVER -- After the phony roll call vote was taken here to formally nominate Barack Obama -- a roll call that did not remotely reflect the true delegate strength of Hillary -- the media exploded in an orgy of celebration about the historic character of the moment to which they had just been privileged to be witness.

    "The first black presidential nominee ever of a major party in history!" was proclaimed. Coming on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech, Barack's nomination is being hailed as the last great step forward in the long march to equality and justice in America.
    The moral pressure to join the march of history is enormous.

    Nor is it unfair to say that some journalists here are obsessed with the issue of race in this campaign. There may be wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, rising tensions with Russia, a falling regime in Pakistan, and reports of U.S. and NATO warships headed for the Persian Gulf, but here it is all about the first black ever nominated for president.

    During the primaries, Bill Clinton was charged with racism by liberal Democrats for saying that Barack's claim to being consistent on Iraq was a "fairy tale" and for implying that Barack's victory in South Carolina was no big deal because Jesse Jackson had carried the state twice.

    Here at the convention, the media watched Hillary and Bill's speeches with a commissar's care -- to ensure they not only embraced Barack but "validated" his credentials to be president. Should they not go all out for Obama, we are told, the Clintons are dead in the party.

    The psychic investment in Barack's candidacy is immense.

    So great is the moral pressure to conform that John Lewis, the young hero of Selma Bridge, buckled and recanted his endorsement of Hillary. And that act of disloyalty and betrayal, a capitulation to race solidarity, is regarded as praiseworthy.

    Black radio has become a cheering section for Obama. Every GOP ad mocking Obama is inspected for racial motives. Campaign books that portray Obama as a radical or phony are denounced by people who have not even seen them. The thought police are out in force.

    Michelle Obama's speech about her upbringing and beliefs -- crafted by Barack's hires -- is said to be the last word on what a mainstream patriotic woman she is. But why, then, would she have taken her two lovely daughters to be baptized by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and to listen on Sundays to his racist rants against America?

    Abroad, we are told, Europe and the Third World are awaiting the moment when America turns her back on her racist past and elevates this black man to the presidency. The subtext is that this is not just a political contest, but a moral test for America.

    Indeed, many have begun to see this election in solely racial terms, an issue of whether racism once again triumphs in America, or racism is buried one and for all.

    Questions arise. With this immense moral and emotional investment in a Barack victory -- by 94 to 1 in one poll black America is behind him -- what happens if the nation decides he is too radical, too inexperienced, too callow, too risky to be president?

    What happens if the American people reject their marching orders and say no to Barack and black America? What happens if all the hopes and dreams, hype and hoopla, end in disillusionment?

    Would the defeat of Barack Obama be taken as an affront to black America? Could we be in for a time of deepening racial division rather than healing? Could we be in for a long, hot autumn like the long, hot summers some of us recall from 40 years ago?

    One black preacher here suggested as much to me.

    Should that happen, the people who have framed this election as a contest between morality and racial justice on one side, and the clammy hand of America's racist past on the other, will bear the same moral responsibility as did the advocates of mass civil obedience for the racial riots of the 1960s that followed.

    Barack has just shot 6 points ahead of McCain. But he has not yet closed the sale. And to prevent his closing of the sale, the GOP must raise doubts in the public mind as to whether he is really a man of Middle America or the closet radical of the Rev. Wright's congregation who said of Pennsylvanians that they are bitter folks, who cling to their Bibles, bigotries and guns because the world has left them behind.

    No candidate has ever been nominated by a major party with fewer credentials or a weaker claim to the presidency, or more doubts as to his core beliefs. If Obama wins, the country could be in real trouble. And if he loses, the country could be in real trouble.

    What the media celebrate today, they may rue tomorrow.

    Mr. Buchanan is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World, "The Death of the West,", "The Great Betrayal," "A Republic, Not an Empire" and "Where the Right Went Wrong."

    Friday, August 29, 2008

    Obama, Media's Favorite Son

    The Peacock and Barack Obama
    By Bill O'Reilly for

    DENVER — With much of the nation sampling TV coverage of the Democratic Convention, things are getting a bit dicey for NBC News. For months, that organization has tilted heavily toward promoting Barack Obama for president, thereby violating traditional journalistic tenets.

    According to a recent study by the Media Research Center, NBC News has the most lopsided pro-Obama coverage among national TV news operations. The MRC found that pro-Obama reports outnumber anti-Obama reports by 10 to one on NBC News, an amazing statistic.

    With that in mind, let's take a look at how the NBC Nightly News might look sometime very soon.

    "Hi, I'm Brian Williams, thank you for joining us tonight. Before we get to our lineup this evening, I should tell you that I am wearing the same kind of suit Senator Obama had on yesterday, and I like it very much. The fabric is soft and has an air of authority. I want to thank the Senator for his good taste.

    "Our first story tonight is from Andrea Mitchell, who has learned that Senator Obama is indeed related to Moses. NBC has discovered the wicker basket in which Moses floated down the Nile River before being rescued by the Pharaoh's wife. We can tell you tonight that DNA traces found in that basket match Barack Obama! Incredible.

    "Also ahead, NBC News correspondent Lee Cowan is traveling with Senator Obama and reports that he is a really big tipper, and his teeth are perfect.

    "Continuing with our election coverage, Chuck Todd will analyze exactly how Michelle Obama came to be so smart. And good looking. By the way, my wife has a dress very similar to the one Mrs. Obama wore on stage in Denver. She likes it a lot.

    "After Chuck files his report, Maria Menounos has an exclusive story on how Rev. Wright has undergone a radical transformation. Maria has learned that after going to Lourdes, the Reverend now believes all Americans are really neat people, and is wearing the same kind of American flag pin that Barack Obama wears. Rather than damning America, Wright now believes the Deity likes the country especially because Senator Obama might be President.

    "Finally, Tom Brokaw will take a look back at the entire Obama family tree. This is amazing. New evidence suggests that Barack Obama is not only a distant cousin to Dick Cheney, but is also related to General George Patton, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and St. Francis of Assisi. DNA found on a bird in Chicago confirms this.

    "As for John McCain, there is a rumor he has been denied AARP membership because he is too old."So we have quite a program for you this evening right here on NBC News. Please stay tuned."

    Monday, August 25, 2008

    A Letter From The Heaven

    The following story is from a friend and I like to share with everyone. It's a wonderful and inspirational story.

    Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said, "How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?"
    The surgeon said, "I'm sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn't make it."

    Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer? Doesn't God care any more? Where were you, God, when my son needed you?"

    The surgeon asked, "Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he's transported to the university."

    Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said goodbye to her son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair. "Would you like a lock of his hair?" the nurse asked.

    Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy's hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally.

    The mother said, "It was Jimmy's idea to donate his body to the University for study. He said it might help somebody else. I said no at first, but Jimmy said, 'Mom, I won't be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom.' She went on, "My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could."

    Sally walked out of Children's Mercy Hospital f or the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy's belongings on the seat beside her in the car.

    The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy's belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son's room.

    She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he had always kept them. She laid down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep.

    A Little Boy's Letter to His Mom

    It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said:

    'Dear Mom, I know you're going to miss me; but don't think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just 'cause I'm not around to say 'I Love You'. I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, that's okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things us boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know. Don't be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD! And guess what, Mom? I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good-bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him 'Where was He when I needed him?' God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children. Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm sure the food will be great.

    Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery! How about that?

    Signed with Love from God, Jesus & Me.

    Hope you share this with your other friends.

    Friday, August 22, 2008

    How To Be Energy Independent

    New Left Wing Anti-Energy Strategy: Drill Nothing, Tax Everything
    by Newt Gingrich

    The last few days have seen left wing anti-energy Democrats scrambling to find a survivable position.

    When we first launched the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less petition drive at American Solutions, left wing anti-energy Democrats were deeply and decisively opposed.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that she was "saving the planet" by stopping drilling.

    Senator Obama made fun of drilling and announced that inflating your tires would increase energy availability as much as drilling.

    Congressman Mark Udall (D-CO), a hard line environmental extremist and anti-energy Democrat (and the author in the House of the ban on developing oil shale, a resource proven to have three times more oil than Saudi Arabia), was confidently opposed to drilling and comfortably ahead of Republican former Congressman Bob Schaffer for the Colorado Senate seat.

    Then the American people began to sign the petition.

    Speaker Pelosi Made a Big Mistake When She Cut Off the Debate on Drilling

    Senator John McCain announced that he recognizes the reality of the energy crisis and now favors offshore drilling (although he still opposes developing ANWR, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). McCain began saying "Drill More, Drill Here, Pay Less" at town hall meetings. His campaign ran a commercial about drilling. He used the phrase in a weekly radio address. Last Saturday night at Saddleback Church he told Pastor Rick Warren that agreeing to offshore drilling was the biggest change in public policy in his career.

    Speaker Pelosi made a big mistake when she abruptly cut off Congressional debate and adjourned early on Friday, August 1st. The enraged House Republicans began staging a speak-in, which is still underway as I write. They clearly felt they were representing the American people, and their rights as elected representatives were being trampled on by a dictatorial Pelosi machine. The result has been two weeks of talk radio and other news, which would probably not have happened without Pelosi's arrogance and mistakes. You can view the blog's coverage here.

    The Drill Here, Drill Now Petition: Almost One And a Half Million And Counting

    And as Republican Leader John Boehner led the effort to have a real debate with the country about developing more American energy now, people kept coming to American Solutions to sign our Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less petition. Today there are nearly 1,500,000 signatures, and more sign up every day.

    The result of all this effort has been a continued increase in support for drilling. Indeed the American people want a comprehensive energy plan. Pollster Dave Winston reports that 81% favor a Manhattan Project style all-out effort to produce new energy systems.

    Faced with this tidal wave of popular support, it quickly became apparent that the anti-energy Democrats were holding a losing hand.

    Holding a Losing Hand, Anti-Energy Democrats Are Grasping for a New Strategy

    Now left wing anti-energy Democrats are trying to maneuver to a new position:

    They want to pretend to be for drilling just enough to win the election but not do anything to actually produce more oil and gas.

    Senator Obama was the first to break. He began saying maybe he could accept some drilling in a comprehensive energy bill which would also include a lot of other things. He was sort of for nuclear power as long as it was not any time soon. He was for studying this and analyzing that.

    Then Congressman Mark Udall announced that he was for a little bit of drilling in a few places as long as it was in a bill with a big tax increase.

    Finally, on Saturday, in their weekly radio address, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the Democrats would have drilling in a new energy bill.

    The New Left Wing Anti-Energy Strategy: Deceive, Deceive, Deceive

    But when you read beyond the headline of Speaker Pelosi's statement and get to the details, it is clear she is trying to maneuver to block the Republicans from having a straight up or down vote on a powerful energy bill.

    Since the original anti-energy Democratic strategy of "no, no, no" has collapsed they have moved to a new strategy of "deceive, deceive, deceive."

    Their goal is to sound pro-energy just long enough to avoid defeat in the November elections while making sure that any legislation is hopelessly weak and has tax increases Republicans will oppose.

    Forcing the Anti-Energy Democrats to Tell the Truth

    There is an upcoming series of very simple tests for the sincerity of the anti-energy Democrats.
    1. Will they write a platform plank at their national convention in Denver that calls for more drilling and for more American energy?
    2. Will they allow a fair rule so House Republicans and pro-energy Democrats can bring up a comprehensive energy bill that would really work?
    3. Will they allow the moratorium on drilling to expire on October 1?
    4. Will they allow the moratorium on developing shale oil (our largest reserves proven to have three times the oil of Saudi Arabia—I keep repeating this because it is so unbelievable that we have been sending money overseas when we have this much oil in the Rocky Mountains) ?
    5. Are they willing to pass a pro-energy bill with no tax increase so it can have bipartisan support and be signed into law?
    6. Will they agree to keep Congress in session until a serious energy bill is signed by the President?

    If the anti-energy Democrats led by Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would agree to these six steps then they would have really switched their position and the country would really be on the way to solving its current energy problems.

    I will report in future newsletters whether or not they keep their word.

    Win a Free Year of Gas at

    Congress hasn't been able to do it, but maybe you can.

    American Solutions has launched a YouTube video contest. We are asking the American Public to submit a short video explaining why we should adopt the "Drill Here, Drill Now" solution to our energy crisis.

    The winner will receive free gas for an entire year.

    This is your chance to get creative. It's your chance to save big bucks. For more details, go to

    Monday, August 18, 2008

    Truth About Tax Cuts

    Do rich people pay less taxes than poor people?
    Financial freedom comes from hard work and persistence. Getting rich is possible here in America because we have free competition and a lot of opportunities. Anyone can make one's dream come true if he or she has the right idea or product unlike other countries.

    Recently, being rich has been demonized by many people particularly by democrates. We hear over and over the misconception about tax cuts that are only for riches. Even though, it's far from the truth but it works for democrates in stirring up the class warfare.

    Government welfare program doesn't do any good to anyone.
    Barack Obama has been running based on his entitlement programs. He advocates a variety of welfare programs which are not realistic and will bring about socialistic society. The United States of America is not found on that philosophy. We have seen most governement controled programs have failed one after another over the years.

    His entitlement philosophy will dominate on his policy and income redistribution will hurt small businesses and entraprenuers who work hard to build their wealth and financial freedom by taxing them arms and legs for his welfare programs.

    If you look around your friends and people who are supporting Barack Obama, you can see that most of them are looking for free healthcare, college tuition, and other welfare programs. They think tax cuts are for rich and support income redistribution. You don't see many of them with ambition to be entrapreneurs or willing to work hard for their own destiny.

    Truth about tax cuts
    Pass the Advil on taxes
    by Larry Elder

    The Associated Press ran a rare article explaining exactly who pays the federal income taxes. They state that the top 5 percent of income earners pay more than 55 percent of the total federal income taxes. (To be eligible for the top 5 percent, one must have an annual income above $120,846.) For people who believe the "rich" hire fancy accountants and lawyers to avoid paying taxes, this news comes as quite a shock.

    Three years ago, Investor's Business Daily ran a similar article about the top 10 percent of taxpayers - those earning above $74,981 - who received 41.6 percent of the nation's income and paid 62.4 percent of the taxes, thus paying a tax share 50 percent greater than their income share.

    Do people know the top 10 percent pay more than 62 percent of the federal income taxes? Three years ago, I put this question to my radio listeners.

    Here's what they said: "The top wage earners, what they pay in taxes … is only about 3 percent." "I'm gonna say the top 10 percent pay between 2 and 4 percent." "I would say 2 to 3 percent." "I would say 1 percent."

    The Associated Press also noted that the top 1 percent of wage earners pay over one-third of the federal income taxes, while taking in 19 percent of the nation's income. To qualify for the 1 percent, one must make a minimum of $293,415. What do people generally think qualifies one for admission into the top 1 percent? Again, three years ago, I posed the question to my radio listeners:

    How much must one make in order to qualify for "the rich," the top 1 percent?

    Here's what they said: "Probably $1-$2 million." "At a minimum, I would say $800,000." "$100 million, around there." "Let's just give it $25 million." "Somewhere in the neighborhood of $400-500 million a year."

    Wrong. Really wrong.

    Why the ignorance?

    In his book, Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, Bernard Goldberg explains that mainstream media find certain issues of interest while ignoring others. When, for example, negative studies on day care appeared, Goldberg wrote that these studies made uncomfortable the male and female journalists who placed their kids in day care centers.

    "On network TV," wrote Goldberg, "given the prevailing sensibilities that reign there, voices that argue for policies that would make it easier for moms to drop their kids off at day care are considered thoughtful, compassionate and reasonable. But voices that argue for less day care, because day care is bad for kids - frankly, I don't think the media elites even know such voices exist."

    Similarly, many members of the mainstream media seem indifferent to or actually approve of the disproportionate percentage of federal income taxes paid by "the rich." Many go into journalism to right the wrongs, believing the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and that the rich "fail to pay their fair share of taxes."

    Perhaps this explains why print and television newspeople rarely refer to taxpayer or taxpayer dollars and instead use terms like "federal expenditures," "federal dollars," "federal outlays," "government aid," "government investments" or "federal grant." It is, of course, our money, but the lexicon used by mainstream media suggests otherwise.

    Congressman Brad Sherman, D-Calif., in a recent mailer to his constituents, asks the following question:

    I strongly believe that the federal government should spend more money on which of these? (Check those that you feel strongly about):

    a. Federal aid to public schools

    b. Provide a pharmaceutical benefit under Medicare

    c. Environmental protection

    d. National defense

    e. Tax cuts for middle-class families

    f. Homeland security

    g. Transportation

    h. Consumer protection

    i. Don't spend - pay off the national debt

    Note e: "Tax cuts for middle-class families"! How does a middle-class tax cut become something "government should spend more money on"? Only on the Potomac does a return of taxpayers' money become a federal spending program.
    This brings us to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. The National Taxpayers Union said that Clinton voted for more spending bills than did any of her 99 other colleagues. In fact, according to the NTU, Clinton set a record for the lowest score (voting for more spending measures) than any other freshman senator in the some 25 years they've tracked this. The Los Angeles Times once described House Majority Leader Dick Armey, based on his voting record, as a "hardline conservative." Will the media, based on Clinton's voting record, call her a "hardline liberal," or an "extremist" or "leftist"? Don't hold your breath.

    Quite simply, we are overtaxed Americans. According to the Tax Foundation, Tax Freedom Day is now April 27, 2002. But don't expect much relief soon. The American Enterprise Institute's Kevin Hassett chastises both parties for their spending addictions. "It is really obvious," said Hassett, "that when there is money around, they will spend it, even if they are Republicans."

    JWR contributor Larry Elder is the author of the newly released, The Ten Things You Can't Say in America. (Proceeds from sales help fund JWR) Let him know what you think of his column by clicking here.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2008

    Real Barack Obama

    by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D

    Book Review

    Who is real Barack Obama? What is his real policy? What is his core belief system?

    Many people don't know about Barack Obama. One thing, we know about him is that he is a good speaker on prewritten words in front of teleprompter. He has been created by media and became a pop culture. Beyond that, we don't know about him. People are facinated his story and are hungry for information. However, more he kept himself quiet, more people will read this book.

    He believes in income redistribution, big government, and wants to give away countless of dollars of tax payer's money to people for college tuitions, universal health care, give away money through a variety of social programs including illegals in the United States and other countries. We all want to give money to poor who needs but we don't want to give away no reason. His plat form is based on entitlement.

    Who is he?

    This book 'Obama Nation' will give you the answer. It's written by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D has been number one on the New York Times best seller since it came out a couple of days ago. The book was well researched and documented. Corsi was co-author of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. He doesn't hide the fact that he is a conservative. He belives why the extreme leftism such as Obama presidency would leave the United States weakened, diminished and divided. He explains why Obama must be defeated.

    This book has more than 600 footnotes thoroughly tracing Obama's career and influences from his early years in Hawaii and Indonesia; his religious practice and his adoption of Christianity, his voting record in the Illinois legislature in the beginning of his polical career; and, his recent involvement in Kenyan politics.

    Jerome Corsy explains why Obama's presidency would be a repeat of the failed extremist politics that have influenced and infected Democratic Party politics since late 1960s.

    You will learn about Obama's extreme connection with Islam and radical politics from his father and step-father's Islamic backgrounds, to his Communist and socialist mentors in Hawaii and Chicago, to his long-term and close associations with former Terrorist William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn.

    This book includes Barack and Michelle's 20-year-long religious affiliation with the black-liberation theology and Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ. His connections with Kenya, the homeland of his father, through his support of his candidacy of Raila Odinga, the radical socialist presidential contender who came to power by Islamist violence and church burnings.

    You will find about Obama's connection with Tony Rezko, indicted the slum-landlord empire of the Chicago, who helped Obama's initial campaigns including the background and techniques of the Obama campaign's cult of personality and the source of his campaign slogan such as 'Hope' and 'change'.

    His far-left domestic policy, his extreme votes on abortion, his history of opposition to the Second Amendment, his determination to raise capital-gains taxes, his impractical plan to achieve universal health care and his raidcal plan to tax Americans to fund a global-poverty-reduction program.

    His an overconfidence in the power of his personality believing in change alone could somehow transform international politics, achieve nuclear-weapons disarmament such as Iran and withdrawal from Iraq and without adverse consequences for the United States, for the Iraqis or for Israel.

    The Obama Nation is well researched and its references are fact based. This book is must read for people who are facinated about Obama and want to know about him.

    Jereme Corsi's other book:

    Monday, August 11, 2008

    Demand Congress Return from Vacation: Drill Here, Drill Now

    Dictator Peloci, or Should We Call Her 'Queen Peloci'

    No fair up-or-down votes on lifting Congressional bans on domestic oil drilling!

    While the American people suffer from record-high gas prices, that is the message -- loud and clear -- from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her liberal colleagues!

    In fact, Pelosi and Company are so dead set against alleviating the pain Americans are feeling at the pump that she hurriedly banged down the gavel, adjourned Congress and FLED from Washington for a five-week vacation.

    And, when a group of conservative legislators tried to speak directly to the American people about the need for Congress to address our nation's energy crisis before skipping town, Pelosi ACTUALLY turned off the microphones, shut off the cameras and turned out the lights!

    Right now, many Americans can't afford to go on vacation because of the high price of gasoline. But that didn't stop Nancy Pelosi from taking her five-week summer recess.

    In defense of her egregious actions, all she could do several days ago was rant:

    "I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet. I will not have this debate trivialized by their excuses for their failed policy."

    "Trying to save the planet?" How many people will have to suffer before she declares the world safe?

    And moreover, what "failed policy" is Pelosi talking about? President Bush and conservative legislators are calling for the REVERSAL of a 30-year policy of limiting domestic drilling. They are trying to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil by responsibly increasing our domestic supply.

    How can a policy that hasn't been implemented in 30 years be a "failed policy?" Is Pelosi that out of touch with the 70% of the American people who support more domestic drilling?

    Well guess what? Pelosi and her minions might be able to run but they can't hide (Members of Congress have fax machines in their district offices too).

    And we're not going to let Pelosi get away with her callous obstruction while Americans are suffering, in large part, because Pelosi objects to any and all new domestic drilling!

    Despite what Nancy Pelosi may think, this is not the former-Soviet Union! Nancy Pelosi cannot single-handedly repress free speech and callously disregard the will of the American people.

    She needs to be put in her place and told this is not the way things work in the United States of America!

    President Bush has the power to call Congress back into session and Congressional leader have that power as well!

    And together, we're going to MAKE SURE IT HAPPENS -- RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW! We're going to demand that Pelosi's Politburo be brought back into town -- kicking and screaming if necessary -- for one purpose and one purpose alone; a fair up-or-down vote on lifting Congressional bans on domestic drilling!

    Use the SEND A MESSAGE below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the House and Senate!

    Tell them in no uncertain terms that the American people want them back in Washington DC and that there WILL BE NO VACATION for them until they hold a fair up-or-down vote on lifting Congressional prohibitions on domestic drilling!

    President Bush has the power to call them back into town! They have the power to call themselves back into town! Tell our elected officials that they serve the American people and we REFUSE to wait until September just so they can come back to Washington and continue stalling this vote! Tell them their employers want them back at work and we want them back now!

    Just to put some perspective on just how out of touch Pelosi and Company are, consider the following statement from Tony Perkins with Family Research Council:

    "Of the 290 laws passed this Congress (which comes dangerously close to the lowest number ever), 30 percent of them just name post offices. Congress also took the time to recognize July as 'National Watermelon Month' and officially classify dirt as a natural resource. It is little wonder that Congress's approval rating is in the single digits -- nine percent -- for the first time ever."

    The Pelosi Politburo had the time to declare July "National Watermelon Month." The Pelosi Politburo had the time to classify dirt as a national resource, but didn't have the time or inclination to call a vote on the most pressing issue facing the American people TODAY!

    Is THAT how you "save the planet?"

    It would appear the lunatics have taken over the asylum! But at least some of our elected officials have gotten the message.

    Republican Leaders John Boehner and Roy Blunt put together a memo asking President Bush to call Congress back into session.

    The memo reads in part:

    "It's not a request we make lightly. But the American people are suffering. The consequences of continued congressional inaction on gas prices are unacceptable. We've called on the Speaker to call Congress back into an emergency session this month and schedule a vote on the American Energy Act. We must continue to make a stand until the Speaker complies."

    And some are answering the call. According to ABC News:

    "House Republicans tell ABC News that at least 30 members of Congress... are flying back to DC from their Districts today and tomorrow to attend a special debate on energy policy. This 'session' is scheduled for Monday, August 4th beginning at 10 am ET. As expected, no Democrats will participate."

    And where does President Bush stand?

    John Gizzi recounting a conversation with Congressman Mike Pence:

    "'I spoke with a key aide and made it clear he should urge the President to call Congress back and deal with the energy crisis.' Pence would not say who the aide was, but noted that the response to his admonition was 'very positive.'"

    Congressman Wally Herger told Gizzi:

    "'We're doing everything we can to get President Bush to bring Congress back. As to the White House's attitude on making this rare-but-constitutional step, Herger said, I'd say that right now, it's rising on his [Bush's] agenda.'"

    And if you're asking; 'when will President Bush act,' the answer should be obvious.

    He's waiting to hear from you.

    Dare We Say Socialism?

    We're actually at a pivotal moment in our nation's history.

    And we're playing a very sick game of "chicken."

    Make no mistake, Nancy Pelosi is the leader of a group of legislators who are pushing a far-Left -- dare we say Socialist -- agenda that has infected the Democratic Party!

    And she's staring down the American people... standing her ground... hoping you and I will flinch first!

    Want proof?

    Look no further than this recent statement on the floor of the House of Representatives by Congresswoman Maxine Waters to the President of Shell Oil:
    "This liberal will be all about SOCIAL____ (abrupt pause) uhhhh... uhhh... (pause) will be about... (pause) basically taking over and the government running all your companies."

    Or how about this statement by Congressman Maurice Hinchey:

    "Maybe they'd be willing to have these companies owned publicly... owned by the people of the United States."

    Waters and Hinchey aren't even attempting to obscure the fact that they want to nationalize our industries -- THAT'S SOCIALISM!

    And what about Pelosi?

    She KNOWS that if she can get away with single-handedly obstructing a vote on the one thing that can relieve the suffering of Americans without being run out of town on a rail -- namely lifting prohibitions on domestic drilling -- she can probably get away with anything!

    Some of our elected leaders are not about to let Pelosi get away with it!

    Congressman Shadegg sent an e-mail out which read in part:

    "We're not giving up... Over 70% of Americans favor increased domestic drilling. Republicans believe that a viewpoint held by a majority of the public deserves, at the very least, a vote on the floor of the people's house. Congressional Democrats have repeatedly admitted, by requesting that President Bush open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, that an increase in supply will decrease prices. Yet, over the past several months, they have barred from the floor any legislation seeking to increase domestic supply--and now, they've gone on vacation. This isn't just about gas prices; this is about our economic and national security. ..."

    "My colleagues and I are committed to an energy policy that increases the domestic supply of fossil fuels to power the American economy of today, and aggressively pursues a variety of alternatives, including solar, nuclear, wind, and hydropower, to drive the American economy of tomorrow. We can, and we must, lower energy prices, create American jobs, and cease our funding of Hugo Chavez and other unfriendly governments. Speaker Pelosi may believe that Americans can wait until September for relief, but if you ask the average family of four, living paycheck to paycheck, relief can't come soon enough."

    Shadegg is RIGHT!

    This battle is about more than gasoline prices, and yes, even the suffering of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck!

    History may remember this fight over domestic drilling in a greater context... as a pivotal battle in our fight to maintain "our economic and national security" -- indeed our sovereignty as a nation!

    And while we can applaud legislators like Shadegg and Blunt and Boehner and Pence for taking the fight to Pelosi; their actions will not make the difference!

    The actions of the American people will determine the final outcome!

    If good men and women do nothing, Pelosi will succeed!

    Together, we must take action right here and right now!


    Article from the Center for Individual Freedeom
    Jeff Mazzella, President

    Friday, August 8, 2008

    Message from Newt Gingrich

    The Left is on the Run
    by Newt Gingrich

    We have the left rattled and on the run. For proof, consider three developments from late last week.

    But first, I want to make a special announcement.
    Many of you are probably following the story of how House Republicans are staging a protest in the House Chamber, demanding that Nancy Pelosi call the House back into session in order to vote on The American Energy Act, an "all of the above" energy strategy that includes more drilling, funding for scientific breakthroughs, as well as common-sense conservation efforts. (More info on that story below.)

    Tomorrow at 10am, I will meet with those Representatives still in Washington, working to pass an energy bill that will lower gas prices, to deliver a message of encouragement on behalf of the 1.4 million Americans who have signed the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition at American Solutions.

    After the meeting, I will hold a press avail with these pro-energy Representatives to discuss why 1.4 million Americans have signed the petition, paint a vision of a better energy tomorrow, and explain why I believe we are winning the argument on energy.

    Which brings me back to those developments from last week.

    Three signs we are winning the argument on energy
    First, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her anti-energy allies in the House skipped town without even scheduling a vote on The American Energy Act - the kind of common sense, "all of the above" energy strategy Americans favor.

    Then sent a desperate email to their supporters asking for money to air an ad to slow the momentum of the movement for America to develop more American energy now.

    And Senator Obama, who until late last week opposed offshore drilling, said he would now favor offshore drilling as part of a comprehensive energy strategy for America.

    But we all know that after a retreat, the opposition will try to regroup. It's time to double our efforts to prevent that from happening.

    To block a vote on energy, Nancy Pelosi tried cutting the power in the House
    Pro-energy House Republicans are doing just that this week, refusing to let Nancy Pelosi and her anti-energy allies get away with ducking the energy issue.

    On Friday morning, Nancy Pelosi suddenly and without warning, adjourned the House of Representatives. She knew how badly the anti-energy left was losing the argument over energy and knew she couldn't allow a full day of discussion about the American Energy Act to take place in front of the C-Span cameras and press. So she called the vote to adjourn, and when House Republicans refused to leave, Nancy Pelosi ordered the microphones and lights in the House be turned off.

    Think about this: In order to block a vote on energy for America, Nancy Pelosi tried to cut off power to the House of Representatives.

    But Boehner and pro-energy representatives remembered where power really comes from
    However, Rep. John Boehner and many other pro-energy representatives have refused to allow Nancy Pelosi to duck the energy issue. They know that Congress derives its power from the American people. Speaker Pelosi can't order that power supply shut off.

    They're still in Washington this week, making speeches on the House floor to visitors and press, and live-blogging their efforts, which you can view here.

    Here's a flavor of the House Republicans historic uprising:

    "We are the light of the world, we are the leaders of the free world. But when we depend on foreign energy we cannot be as strong of a leader as we should and can be." - Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

    "You need to let your congressman know that he or she works for you, not the Speaker of the House." - Rep. Mark Steven Kirk (R-IL)

    "Here's a letter from the Gardner family in Texas. They can't afford to both go on vacation and send their son to Boy Scout camp. They can't afford it. If the Gardners can't, then neither should Pelosi and the Congress!" - Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)

    "Common sense is not very common in Washington, D.C... Why aren't we using all the resources that we Americans can bring to the table?... We need to use our American ingenuity to solve these problems...We will get it done if there's a vote on this floor." - Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA):

    And perhaps most importantly, House Minority Leader John Boehner yesterday promised to keep up this pressure throughout the month of August:

    "The only way we're ever going to bring her to heel and allow a vote is for us to continue to put pressure on her. And so it's 25 Members we had in Congress today, led by Tom Price and Mike Pence. It's Members all over the country doing their townhall meetings, doing their rotary clubs, they're all talking about it. And we're going to keep talking about it until we get our vote." - John Boehner, OH

    You can read their open letter to Nancy Pelosi, here.

    Also, check out the comments on the GOP Leader blog to see how this historic uprising is energizing conservatives around the country.

    Finally, and most importantly, write your representative to let them know you want them back in session to pass an energy bill and to applaud Boehner's leadership. Call talk radio as well. Nancy Pelosi may have turned off the lights in the House, but that doesn't mean we can't turn on the heat in response. Admits the Obvious: The Pro Energy Coalition is Winning the Argument
    Nancy Pelosi is not the only member of the anti-energy left looking desperate.

    In an urgent email sent to their members last week, the far Left activist group wrote about the national debate over how to best lower gas and energy prices, "Here's the truth: Right now, progressives are losing this argument."

    They're right. We are winning and the Left is losing the argument over our country's energy future because Americans know that thirty years of their policies has led to the current mess.

    For decades, anti-energy, left-wing politicians have advocated higher prices and less energy. They were going to save the environment by punishing Americans into driving less and driving smaller cars. They favor a policy of no oil and gas exploration, no use of coal, and no development of nuclear power.

    The result has been that over the last three decades, America has relied more and more on foreign oil rather than American oil, and our nation's power grid has been stretched thin because litigation and regulation has made it so difficult to build new sources of electricity.

    The American people can see this, so they're rejecting the Left's philosophy of less energy and inconvenience in favor of a pro-investment, pro-creativity, pro-production, and pro-conservation energy coalition. Fails Einstein's Test of Insanity
    You'd think this much would be obvious to the Left, but the email they sent to their supporters and the advertisement they want to run is filled with the same discredited arguments about American energy production that the American people have rejected over this summer.

    It claims not only that more American energy, including opening up additional areas to oil and natural gas development, would have no immediate effect on gas prices, but that even in the long term, more American oil and gas on the market is only a "gimmick."

    Someone should remind that Einstein's definition of insanity was "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

    Not only does still think that the Left's same, misguided energy scarcity policies are good for America, despite the obvious; they also think that the American people are going to continue to buy their arguments.

    That's just crazy, and you don't have to be a Nobel Prize winning physicist to know it.

    That's why we can be confident in our solutions and our answers to their faulty arguments. Check out our Facts Sheet at American Solutions for rebuttals to the anti-energy left's most common arguments.

    Oh, and just for fun, check out Jay Leno's take on why the Left's phony "it will take 10 years" argument holds no water. Watch here.

    This summer, as you talk with your friends and neighbors about high gas prices, don't let the anti-energy left get away with using the same discredited arguments, and don't let them shirk the responsibility they bear for putting us in the energy crisis today.

    The Obama Opportunity: the President Should Call Congress Back Into Session
    Finally, in another sign thatwe are winning the argument over America's energy future, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has indicated he would support offshore drilling as part of a larger energy strategy.

    This is amazing progress considering it was just a few months ago that Senator Obama was not only opposed to more American oil production, he repeatedly voted to keep America ignorant of our own offshore energy resources. (Check out this excellent article at for more.)

    This is real progress. It's also a real opportunity.

    President Bush has the power to call the Congress back into session, but so far he's said he has no plans to do so. It's up to us to change his mind. There should be no confusion as to where Nancy Pelosi and her anti-energy allies on the left stand when it comes to a common sense energy strategy the American people want. You can call the White House at 202-456-1111 to encourage the President.

    In addition, we should call our Congressmen and ask them to call on the President to bring them back into session. And if your Congressman isn't one of those staying in Washington to protest Nancy Pelosi adjourning without passing an energy bill, make sure if you see him or her in your district to ask why they are on vacation instead of working to lower gas prices.

    Second, Senator McCain should challenge Senator Obama to work with him to create and pass an energy bill in the Senate before the election that includes opening up more areas to oil and natural gas development (including offshore and in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)) as part of a larger, comprehensive energy policy that also includes conservation efforts, nuclear power (Obama has indicated he would support building more plants under the right conditions), and incentives for new technologies.

    Then, the question for Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will then be simple: with their party's nominee for President supporting more American oil production and the American people overwhelmingly supporting it as well, will they still oppose a common-sense energy policy that uses all of our American energy resources?

    Another Question for Nancy Pelosi, This Time on Immigration
    Finally, the news that the suspect of a brutal murder in San Francisco is a known illegal immigrant begs the question whether or not Nancy Pelosi will pass Einstein's insanity test with regard to her support of sanctuary city policies.

    Edwin Ramos had twice been convicted on felony charges as a juvenile, and his status as an illegal immigrant was known. Yet he was released from jail nearly three months before these recent slayings, protected from the country's immigration policies because of San Francisco's sanctuary policy.

    As I wrote last year when a known illegal immigrant shot four students, killing three, it is simply beyond belief that cities would knowingly shield felons and suspected felons from the country's immigration laws. Now, in San Francisco - Nancy Pelosi's district - the tragic results speak for themselves.

    This horrible story comes at the same time that the Center for Immigration Studies announced that increased enforcement on the US/Mexico border has decreased the number of illegal immigrants in the country by 1.3 million. Furthermore, their study concludes that the decline of the illegal population was at least seven times larger than the number of actual people removed by the government in the last ten months. This means that most of the decline is due to people here illegally leaving voluntarily as a result of the enforcement.

    The evidence is clear: enforcement works; sanctuary policies don't.

    Will Nancy Pelosi (not to mention the rest of the Left) finally back the enforcement of our country's laws or will they continue to cling to policies that don't work and expect a different result?

    Your friend,

    Newt Gingrich