Monday, August 11, 2008

Demand Congress Return from Vacation: Drill Here, Drill Now

Dictator Peloci, or Should We Call Her 'Queen Peloci'

No fair up-or-down votes on lifting Congressional bans on domestic oil drilling!

While the American people suffer from record-high gas prices, that is the message -- loud and clear -- from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her liberal colleagues!

In fact, Pelosi and Company are so dead set against alleviating the pain Americans are feeling at the pump that she hurriedly banged down the gavel, adjourned Congress and FLED from Washington for a five-week vacation.

And, when a group of conservative legislators tried to speak directly to the American people about the need for Congress to address our nation's energy crisis before skipping town, Pelosi ACTUALLY turned off the microphones, shut off the cameras and turned out the lights!

Right now, many Americans can't afford to go on vacation because of the high price of gasoline. But that didn't stop Nancy Pelosi from taking her five-week summer recess.

In defense of her egregious actions, all she could do several days ago was rant:

"I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet. I will not have this debate trivialized by their excuses for their failed policy."

"Trying to save the planet?" How many people will have to suffer before she declares the world safe?

And moreover, what "failed policy" is Pelosi talking about? President Bush and conservative legislators are calling for the REVERSAL of a 30-year policy of limiting domestic drilling. They are trying to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil by responsibly increasing our domestic supply.

How can a policy that hasn't been implemented in 30 years be a "failed policy?" Is Pelosi that out of touch with the 70% of the American people who support more domestic drilling?

Well guess what? Pelosi and her minions might be able to run but they can't hide (Members of Congress have fax machines in their district offices too).

And we're not going to let Pelosi get away with her callous obstruction while Americans are suffering, in large part, because Pelosi objects to any and all new domestic drilling!

Despite what Nancy Pelosi may think, this is not the former-Soviet Union! Nancy Pelosi cannot single-handedly repress free speech and callously disregard the will of the American people.

She needs to be put in her place and told this is not the way things work in the United States of America!

President Bush has the power to call Congress back into session and Congressional leader have that power as well!

And together, we're going to MAKE SURE IT HAPPENS -- RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW! We're going to demand that Pelosi's Politburo be brought back into town -- kicking and screaming if necessary -- for one purpose and one purpose alone; a fair up-or-down vote on lifting Congressional bans on domestic drilling!

Use the SEND A MESSAGE below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the House and Senate!

Tell them in no uncertain terms that the American people want them back in Washington DC and that there WILL BE NO VACATION for them until they hold a fair up-or-down vote on lifting Congressional prohibitions on domestic drilling!

President Bush has the power to call them back into town! They have the power to call themselves back into town! Tell our elected officials that they serve the American people and we REFUSE to wait until September just so they can come back to Washington and continue stalling this vote! Tell them their employers want them back at work and we want them back now!

Just to put some perspective on just how out of touch Pelosi and Company are, consider the following statement from Tony Perkins with Family Research Council:

"Of the 290 laws passed this Congress (which comes dangerously close to the lowest number ever), 30 percent of them just name post offices. Congress also took the time to recognize July as 'National Watermelon Month' and officially classify dirt as a natural resource. It is little wonder that Congress's approval rating is in the single digits -- nine percent -- for the first time ever."

The Pelosi Politburo had the time to declare July "National Watermelon Month." The Pelosi Politburo had the time to classify dirt as a national resource, but didn't have the time or inclination to call a vote on the most pressing issue facing the American people TODAY!

Is THAT how you "save the planet?"

It would appear the lunatics have taken over the asylum! But at least some of our elected officials have gotten the message.

Republican Leaders John Boehner and Roy Blunt put together a memo asking President Bush to call Congress back into session.

The memo reads in part:

"It's not a request we make lightly. But the American people are suffering. The consequences of continued congressional inaction on gas prices are unacceptable. We've called on the Speaker to call Congress back into an emergency session this month and schedule a vote on the American Energy Act. We must continue to make a stand until the Speaker complies."

And some are answering the call. According to ABC News:

"House Republicans tell ABC News that at least 30 members of Congress... are flying back to DC from their Districts today and tomorrow to attend a special debate on energy policy. This 'session' is scheduled for Monday, August 4th beginning at 10 am ET. As expected, no Democrats will participate."

And where does President Bush stand?

John Gizzi recounting a conversation with Congressman Mike Pence:

"'I spoke with a key aide and made it clear he should urge the President to call Congress back and deal with the energy crisis.' Pence would not say who the aide was, but noted that the response to his admonition was 'very positive.'"

Congressman Wally Herger told Gizzi:

"'We're doing everything we can to get President Bush to bring Congress back. As to the White House's attitude on making this rare-but-constitutional step, Herger said, I'd say that right now, it's rising on his [Bush's] agenda.'"

And if you're asking; 'when will President Bush act,' the answer should be obvious.

He's waiting to hear from you.

Dare We Say Socialism?

We're actually at a pivotal moment in our nation's history.

And we're playing a very sick game of "chicken."

Make no mistake, Nancy Pelosi is the leader of a group of legislators who are pushing a far-Left -- dare we say Socialist -- agenda that has infected the Democratic Party!

And she's staring down the American people... standing her ground... hoping you and I will flinch first!

Want proof?

Look no further than this recent statement on the floor of the House of Representatives by Congresswoman Maxine Waters to the President of Shell Oil:
"This liberal will be all about SOCIAL____ (abrupt pause) uhhhh... uhhh... (pause) will be about... (pause) basically taking over and the government running all your companies."

Or how about this statement by Congressman Maurice Hinchey:

"Maybe they'd be willing to have these companies owned publicly... owned by the people of the United States."

Waters and Hinchey aren't even attempting to obscure the fact that they want to nationalize our industries -- THAT'S SOCIALISM!

And what about Pelosi?

She KNOWS that if she can get away with single-handedly obstructing a vote on the one thing that can relieve the suffering of Americans without being run out of town on a rail -- namely lifting prohibitions on domestic drilling -- she can probably get away with anything!

Some of our elected leaders are not about to let Pelosi get away with it!

Congressman Shadegg sent an e-mail out which read in part:

"We're not giving up... Over 70% of Americans favor increased domestic drilling. Republicans believe that a viewpoint held by a majority of the public deserves, at the very least, a vote on the floor of the people's house. Congressional Democrats have repeatedly admitted, by requesting that President Bush open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, that an increase in supply will decrease prices. Yet, over the past several months, they have barred from the floor any legislation seeking to increase domestic supply--and now, they've gone on vacation. This isn't just about gas prices; this is about our economic and national security. ..."

"My colleagues and I are committed to an energy policy that increases the domestic supply of fossil fuels to power the American economy of today, and aggressively pursues a variety of alternatives, including solar, nuclear, wind, and hydropower, to drive the American economy of tomorrow. We can, and we must, lower energy prices, create American jobs, and cease our funding of Hugo Chavez and other unfriendly governments. Speaker Pelosi may believe that Americans can wait until September for relief, but if you ask the average family of four, living paycheck to paycheck, relief can't come soon enough."

Shadegg is RIGHT!

This battle is about more than gasoline prices, and yes, even the suffering of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck!

History may remember this fight over domestic drilling in a greater context... as a pivotal battle in our fight to maintain "our economic and national security" -- indeed our sovereignty as a nation!

And while we can applaud legislators like Shadegg and Blunt and Boehner and Pence for taking the fight to Pelosi; their actions will not make the difference!

The actions of the American people will determine the final outcome!

If good men and women do nothing, Pelosi will succeed!

Together, we must take action right here and right now!


Article from the Center for Individual Freedeom
Jeff Mazzella, President

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