Friday, August 22, 2008

How To Be Energy Independent

New Left Wing Anti-Energy Strategy: Drill Nothing, Tax Everything
by Newt Gingrich

The last few days have seen left wing anti-energy Democrats scrambling to find a survivable position.

When we first launched the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less petition drive at American Solutions, left wing anti-energy Democrats were deeply and decisively opposed.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that she was "saving the planet" by stopping drilling.

Senator Obama made fun of drilling and announced that inflating your tires would increase energy availability as much as drilling.

Congressman Mark Udall (D-CO), a hard line environmental extremist and anti-energy Democrat (and the author in the House of the ban on developing oil shale, a resource proven to have three times more oil than Saudi Arabia), was confidently opposed to drilling and comfortably ahead of Republican former Congressman Bob Schaffer for the Colorado Senate seat.

Then the American people began to sign the petition.

Speaker Pelosi Made a Big Mistake When She Cut Off the Debate on Drilling

Senator John McCain announced that he recognizes the reality of the energy crisis and now favors offshore drilling (although he still opposes developing ANWR, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). McCain began saying "Drill More, Drill Here, Pay Less" at town hall meetings. His campaign ran a commercial about drilling. He used the phrase in a weekly radio address. Last Saturday night at Saddleback Church he told Pastor Rick Warren that agreeing to offshore drilling was the biggest change in public policy in his career.

Speaker Pelosi made a big mistake when she abruptly cut off Congressional debate and adjourned early on Friday, August 1st. The enraged House Republicans began staging a speak-in, which is still underway as I write. They clearly felt they were representing the American people, and their rights as elected representatives were being trampled on by a dictatorial Pelosi machine. The result has been two weeks of talk radio and other news, which would probably not have happened without Pelosi's arrogance and mistakes. You can view the blog's coverage here.

The Drill Here, Drill Now Petition: Almost One And a Half Million And Counting

And as Republican Leader John Boehner led the effort to have a real debate with the country about developing more American energy now, people kept coming to American Solutions to sign our Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less petition. Today there are nearly 1,500,000 signatures, and more sign up every day.

The result of all this effort has been a continued increase in support for drilling. Indeed the American people want a comprehensive energy plan. Pollster Dave Winston reports that 81% favor a Manhattan Project style all-out effort to produce new energy systems.

Faced with this tidal wave of popular support, it quickly became apparent that the anti-energy Democrats were holding a losing hand.

Holding a Losing Hand, Anti-Energy Democrats Are Grasping for a New Strategy

Now left wing anti-energy Democrats are trying to maneuver to a new position:

They want to pretend to be for drilling just enough to win the election but not do anything to actually produce more oil and gas.

Senator Obama was the first to break. He began saying maybe he could accept some drilling in a comprehensive energy bill which would also include a lot of other things. He was sort of for nuclear power as long as it was not any time soon. He was for studying this and analyzing that.

Then Congressman Mark Udall announced that he was for a little bit of drilling in a few places as long as it was in a bill with a big tax increase.

Finally, on Saturday, in their weekly radio address, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the Democrats would have drilling in a new energy bill.

The New Left Wing Anti-Energy Strategy: Deceive, Deceive, Deceive

But when you read beyond the headline of Speaker Pelosi's statement and get to the details, it is clear she is trying to maneuver to block the Republicans from having a straight up or down vote on a powerful energy bill.

Since the original anti-energy Democratic strategy of "no, no, no" has collapsed they have moved to a new strategy of "deceive, deceive, deceive."

Their goal is to sound pro-energy just long enough to avoid defeat in the November elections while making sure that any legislation is hopelessly weak and has tax increases Republicans will oppose.

Forcing the Anti-Energy Democrats to Tell the Truth

There is an upcoming series of very simple tests for the sincerity of the anti-energy Democrats.
  1. Will they write a platform plank at their national convention in Denver that calls for more drilling and for more American energy?
  2. Will they allow a fair rule so House Republicans and pro-energy Democrats can bring up a comprehensive energy bill that would really work?
  3. Will they allow the moratorium on drilling to expire on October 1?
  4. Will they allow the moratorium on developing shale oil (our largest reserves proven to have three times the oil of Saudi Arabia—I keep repeating this because it is so unbelievable that we have been sending money overseas when we have this much oil in the Rocky Mountains) ?
  5. Are they willing to pass a pro-energy bill with no tax increase so it can have bipartisan support and be signed into law?
  6. Will they agree to keep Congress in session until a serious energy bill is signed by the President?

If the anti-energy Democrats led by Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would agree to these six steps then they would have really switched their position and the country would really be on the way to solving its current energy problems.

I will report in future newsletters whether or not they keep their word.

Win a Free Year of Gas at

Congress hasn't been able to do it, but maybe you can.

American Solutions has launched a YouTube video contest. We are asking the American Public to submit a short video explaining why we should adopt the "Drill Here, Drill Now" solution to our energy crisis.

The winner will receive free gas for an entire year.

This is your chance to get creative. It's your chance to save big bucks. For more details, go to

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