by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D
Book Review
Who is real Barack Obama? What is his real policy? What is his core belief system?
Many people don't know about Barack Obama. One thing, we know about him is that he is a good speaker on prewritten words in front of teleprompter. He has been created by media and became a pop culture. Beyond that, we don't know about him. People are facinated his story and are hungry for information. However, more he kept himself quiet, more people will read this book.
He believes in income redistribution, big government, and wants to give away countless of dollars of tax payer's money to people for college tuitions, universal health care, give away money through a variety of social programs including illegals in the United States and other countries. We all want to give money to poor who needs but we don't want to give away no reason. His plat form is based on entitlement.
Who is he?
This book 'Obama Nation' will give you the answer. It's written by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D has been number one on the New York Times best seller since it came out a couple of days ago. The book was well researched and documented. Corsi was co-author of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. He doesn't hide the fact that he is a conservative. He belives why the extreme leftism such as Obama presidency would leave the United States weakened, diminished and divided. He explains why Obama must be defeated.
This book has more than 600 footnotes thoroughly tracing Obama's career and influences from his early years in Hawaii and Indonesia; his religious practice and his adoption of Christianity, his voting record in the Illinois legislature in the beginning of his polical career; and, his recent involvement in Kenyan politics.
Jerome Corsy explains why Obama's presidency would be a repeat of the failed extremist politics that have influenced and infected Democratic Party politics since late 1960s.
You will learn about Obama's extreme connection with Islam and radical politics from his father and step-father's Islamic backgrounds, to his Communist and socialist mentors in Hawaii and Chicago, to his long-term and close associations with former Terrorist William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn.
This book includes Barack and Michelle's 20-year-long religious affiliation with the black-liberation theology and Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ. His connections with Kenya, the homeland of his father, through his support of his candidacy of Raila Odinga, the radical socialist presidential contender who came to power by Islamist violence and church burnings.
You will find about Obama's connection with Tony Rezko, indicted the slum-landlord empire of the Chicago, who helped Obama's initial campaigns including the background and techniques of the Obama campaign's cult of personality and the source of his campaign slogan such as 'Hope' and 'change'.
His far-left domestic policy, his extreme votes on abortion, his history of opposition to the Second Amendment, his determination to raise capital-gains taxes, his impractical plan to achieve universal health care and his raidcal plan to tax Americans to fund a global-poverty-reduction program.
His an overconfidence in the power of his personality believing in change alone could somehow transform international politics, achieve nuclear-weapons disarmament such as Iran and withdrawal from Iraq and without adverse consequences for the United States, for the Iraqis or for Israel.
The Obama Nation is well researched and its references are fact based. This book is must read for people who are facinated about Obama and want to know about him.
Jereme Corsi's other book:

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