You've read David Freddoso's "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate
Then, you read Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality
NOW you need to read it from a Black American's perspective: William Owens, Jr. "Obama why Black America Should have Doubts"
Author William Owens, Jr. uniquely addresses the devastating "mindset" of Black America, which is to abdicate their core principles and beliefs for the addictive "feel good" words of a politician. And, polls are proving this out.
According to one Gallup Poll, an explosive 91 percent of Black Americans support Obama.
Owens argues that electing Obama as president will not only radically impact our society - in terms culture, traditions, and beliefs - and weaken our national security, but he will also set back Black America for decades to come.
Obama why Black America Should have Doubts analyzes in depth:
• Who is Barack Obama?
• What does he believe? How does this differ with Black America's interests?
• How does Obama stand up in a side-by-side comparison with Martin Luther King, Jr.?
• What has Obama committed to do if elected?
• How will Obama's tax-laden agenda actually hurt Black America? All America?
• Are Black Americans hurting themselves by being too focused on race?
• How can Black America - and all America - preserve our foundation?
Owens confesses, "I recognize that I could be branded for the rest of my life for taking an unpopular stand against the first Black American to run for President of the United States. Nevertheless, I willingly accept the mantle that has fallen on me, and I am at peace with my decision because I must speak out."
"Through the writing of this book, my family and I are attempting to speak directly to Black American families. However, let it also be a clarion to all Americans."
"For those who suggest that Barack Obama advances the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, I say look again. His politics are anathema to the dream!"
Dr. Alveda King (Niece to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
"The idea that so many Bible believers would consider choosing their racial ethnicity over their Christian ethics is alarming. William Owens, Jr. candidly brings eternal truths into the election 2008 discussion. 'Obama - Why Black America Should Have Doubts' is thoughtful, bold and refreshing."
Star Parker, Author & Syndicated Columnist
"Dr. King challenged us to judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. William Owens, Jr. is a rare Black American willing to hold Barack Obama to that necessary standard."
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Author of "SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America"; Founder and President of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny
Article from Human
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