Where do you choose to live in Romneyville or Obamaville?
There will be another presidential election this year. For this time however, it won’t be just
another presidential election. It will
be the most important presidential election we will ever have in our life
time. The result of the election will
determine this country’s future.
We have already turned a corner and another four years of Obama Administration will turn this country into
complete financial disaster. This country will not be the
same, the United States which our founders had a vision and fought hard for.
There are too many people who bury their heads in sand to realize our
country is in dire situation;
$15 trillion debts, unemployment is 8.5%, home
foreclosures are the highest ever, more people are on food stamps, many cities and states
are on the verge of bankruptcy and some are already in bankruptcy.
However, his cronies and union buddies are well taken care of with tax payers’ money. His friends, solar and wind energy people are getting
tax payers’ money but they do not need to pay back. Most of them filed the bankruptcy and there
is no accountability for wasting tax payer's money.
Many people expected to get ‘Hope and Change’ but they’ve gotten ‘Despair and
Debts’ instead. Obama's lack of leadership
is driving our country closer and closer to the financial disaster.
The question is which village do you want to live in? Your choice will be obvious for Obamaville, IF;
you do not have an ambition to better yourself,
you think that Obamacare is perfect for you and
your family,
you are happy with the government handouts,
the government protects only their cronies and
watches out for themselves,
you need someone to tell you what to do in every
aspect of your life
the government officials order you to do as what
they say but not as what they do,
your liberty and freedom is not that important,
you think that our debts will not affect your future
and future of your children,
you are happy with where this country is
I don’t know about you but my liberty and freedom are worth more. I’d rather live with neighbors who respect my
property, liberty, do not envy what I have, want to better themselves, help
each other rather than the government handouts, and encourage others to do
better. I expect my government officials
to be accountable rather than blame others. Therefore, I’d rather live in Romneyville than
Obamaville. Our future is much brighter and more safe in Romneyville.
Don’t you think?
Let’s compare these two villages. Which one is yours?
Your Neighbors
Paul Ryan
Sara Palin, Allen West, Mark Rubio, Michele Bachmann, Tim Paulenty, Billy
Graham, Scott Walker, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum,
Rick Perry, Glenn Beck
Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Union bosses, Bill Ayers, Jessie Jackson, Rev. Wright, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman- -Schultz, Bill Mar, George Soros, Sean
Policy Philosophy
Let’s solve problems.
Respect rights of others.
‘My dog ate my homework’ excuses, blame everything else. They know better
than you. Tell you what to do as what they say, not as what they do.
Your liberty & Freedom
Small government
– Citizens decide the policies
through representatives.
Encourage individual responsibility.
Ruler makes the rules (for example, New York Mayer Bloomberg, Obama's executive order). Government controls every aspects of your life – What to eat, drink,
where to send your children – lots of laws and regulations.
Encourage blame others (Nothing is your fault!)
Churches, Private Organizations, Tea Party
Acorn, Black Panthers, Green Peace, Environmental Group
Leader’s Character
Integrity, honesty, Unity
Distortion, Dishonesty, Division
Employment availability
Private own small and medium businesses, private own big businesses
and corporations:
Variety of job opportunity
Government Jobs:
State and Federal funded companies (For example: General Motors , Chrysler,
Solyndra and other bankrupt solar & windmill companies) Less job opportunity
Encourage all businesses.
You still can make it big if you have an idea and willingness to work
Demonize businesses.
Rich is bad.
Fund Obama Cronies.
Kill your ideas and businesses with regulations.
Home Owners
Less property taxes
Encourage home ownership
With less property taxes
More property taxes
Public housing system – higher tax if you own a home
Explore all the above energy possibility. Tap into our own oil, gas, nuclear and clean coal energy. Continue to develop new energy.
Wind Mill, Solar energy,
“Electricity bill will be rocketed.” No coal, oil, natural gas, and
no more nuclear energy.
Have more school choices for your children – Merit system for
Public school – Union controlled
– seniority system for teachers
National Debts
Plan to cut debts
Increase more spending
Village government
Have a budget plan
Encourage handout
Food Stamps
Encourage Private Help
Tax Credit for donations
Government controlled
Help – welfare state
Health Care
Variety of healthcare plan.
More choice of doctors,
Healthcare savings plan.
All your neighbors opted out of Obamacare
except you. (Not good enough for them but you.)
· Obamacare tax.
Limited doctor choice,
Cut $716 million from your Medicare to fund for
Obama Care
Example Cities & States
Wisconsin, Ohio
San Francisco, New York
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