A Cash Transaction
By Bill O'Reilly for BillOReilly.com
Thursday, July 24, 2008
If Senator Obama becomes President Obama, my taxes will go up... way up. But I know neither Argentina nor anyone else will cry for me, because I am the rich guy Al Gore warned you about—the one that got all those tax cuts from the evil Bush administration.
Yes, I am part of the one percent of Americans that paid an astounding 40% of all federal income tax in 2006. According to recently released IRS figures, about 50% of my fellow Americans paid no federal income tax at all that year. My fellow one-percenters and I covered for them. But, for some, it is still not enough.
Senator Obama believes in "income redistribution," a concept practiced by Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest. Like Robin, Obama wants to take from the rich and give to the not-so-rich. He wants to raise taxes big time on those making $250,000 or more.
That means that if you live in New York and earn a quarter of a million bucks, you could be paying close to half of your income in taxes. Even Robin Hood might find that somewhat extreme.
And then there's the accountability factor. Without being forced by the federal government, I give plenty of cash to folks who need a hand. But I check out the charities before the check goes in the mail. I make sure my donations go directly to people who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in difficult circumstances.
Will Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid do that when the massive income redistribution train gets ready to roll? No, they will not.
President Obama and a Democratic congress will likely dole out entitlements like free health care, child care and cash payments to anyone who falls under a certain income level, no matter what their circumstance. That means that people who drink gin all day long will be getting some of my hard-earned money. Folks who dropped out of school, who are too lazy to hold a job, and who smoke reefer 24/7 will all get some goodies in the mail from Uncle Barack and Aunt Nancy, funded by me and other rich folks.
There will be no drug testing, no background checks, no accountability for those receiving the government's largesse. If you're an American citizen (or even an illegal alien) who doesn't make much money, you'll get stuff.
There is something unsettling about that. Under the Republican Bush administration, tax money presently pays for abortions, Viagra, condoms, sugar-laden food, dangerous housing in blighted neighborhoods and prescription drugs that will send you to the land of Oz.
But if you complain about any of this, you're an uncharitable greedhead.
Well, I am complaining. I don't want my money supporting some layabout who wants to get high all day long. Robin Hood wouldn't give those people money. The feds shouldn't either.
Read Bill O'Reily's Books:
- Culture Warrior
- The O'Reilly Factor for Kids: A Survival Guide for America's Families
- The O'Reilly Factor for Kids CD: A Survival Guide for America's Families
- Who's Looking Out for You
- The No Spin Zone: Confrontations with the Powerful and Famous in America
- The O'Reilly Factor: The Good, the Bad, and the Completely Ridiculous in American Life - Those Who Trespass: A Novel of Television and Murder
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