I don’t know about you but Obama really scares me for America’s future. We are looking for a man who will rule the most powerful country in the world and unsettling to think that Obama might usher into the White House.
We have believed that America is a land of dreams and opportunity that no other country provides. Believing honesty and working hard will get you somewhere because America is the only country that you can make that dream come true.
Recent days, I have been hearing college students and young people who are blindly supporting Obama because believing that he will provide universal healthcare and distribute wealth from rich to poor. They want Socialistic Society and give them things free. Lack of reasoning of young people scares me. I think he will change America into Socialistic Country he can as his slogan says.
I even heard from some people that they would vote Obama because they want to change. It sounds good but they have no idea what kind of change. Some even goes further saying they will vote Obama because he’s a black and that’s change enough. Don’t these reasonings scare you?
Particularly, Obama has portrayed himself a new politician who will change how Washington conducts businesses. There is no doubt that he will change the Washington to be worse than it is. He is like any other politician who is unwilling to take clear stands on tough issues and abandoning his principles when he finds it advantageous.
I hope Americans are smarter than what I see.
Barack Obama has been known to be the most liberal Democrat in the Senate. Hillary and Kennedy are not even close. His extreme makeover on his profile and his flip-flop on issues has taken a moderate stance in recent years. No one knows who he is. I believe that he doesn’t even know who he is himself at this point.
I would believe if he has shown any kind of character who stands for something and a clear account of views as Obama spokesman said about him, “He’s committed to making decisions he thinks are right.” “He’ll continue to do that as president.” If this doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will.
Everyone changes their minds in certain issues once in a while including myself however; we trust and vote for our leaders to have core fundamental belief on certain issues. We don’t want a leader who is expedient on important issues because they are popular and advantageous. Obama hasn’t shown any core value to any of these issues: NONE.
According to Los Angeles Times, Obama has long supported the death penalty but recently he has expressed doubts about whether it’s an effective deterrent and applied fairly. His response to last week’s Supreme Court decision barring the death penalty for child rape by saying that states should be able to impose such a penalty for “heinous” crimes.
Obama also expressed completely opposite position on his own stand about another Supreme Court ruling, which struck down a gun ban in Washington, D.C. Now, Obama welcomes the ruling saying that, “reinforces that if we act responsibly, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe.” Even though, he never viewed clearly the Washington gun ban as constitutional.
He used call the North American Free Trade Agreements a “big mistake” during the primary season and saying it should be negotiated; however, Obama has recently toned down his rhetoric and emphasized his record of support for free trade. This angered many union and liberal activists.
Last month, he announced that he would opt out of the public financing system for presidential elections, continuing to raise money from private donors, rather than stick with his pledged to take public funds if McCain did. He changed his stand after finding out that he could raise more money.
He backed Bush’s Faith Based in the public schools yesterday. Even though, he criticized Bush for the program saying, “It’s a failed program and it’s only for photo op.’’ Now, he is portrayed himself religious person but his action showed otherwise.
His lack of principles proves he has no character. No matter how extreme his makeover maybe, he cannot restore a strong spine on his body without principles and one’s character.
I never have seen anyone who lies with straight face like Obama. He might fool some people but I know at the end, most Americans are smarter than he thinks.
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