Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cheap Gas Price Finder

Check Local Gas Price Before You Fill Up!

Gas prices have risen to over $4 per gallon. It keeps rising and it won't stop anytime soon. It forces overall living expenses to increase and people are cutting back other costs to accommodate gas expenses. However, the good new is that you can find the best gas price in your area before you fill up the car.

Here are websites that help you find the nearest gas station that has lowest gas price in your area.

  • PennySaverusa.com just added Gas Price finder in its homepage to help visitors to find the best gas price under My Gas Price.
  • mapquest.com also offer visitors National Gas Prices information under Find Gas Prices.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Am I A Fireman Yet?

In Phoenix , Arizona , a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son, who was dying of terminal leukemia. Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination. Like any parent, she wanted her son to grow up and fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer possible. The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son's dream to come true.

She took her son's hand and asked, 'Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted to be once you grew up? Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life?'

Mom my, 'I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.'

Mom smiled back and said, 'Let's see if we can make your wish come true.'

Later that day she went to her local fire Department in Phoenix , Arizona , where she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix.

She explained her son's final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her 6 year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine.

Fireman Bob said, 'Look, we can do better than that. If you'll have your son ready at seven o'clock Wednesday morning, we'll make him an honorary Fireman for the whole day. He can come down to the fire station, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls, the whole nine yards!'

And if you'll give us his sizes, we'll get a real fire uniform for him, with a real fire hat - not a toy -- one-with the emblem of the Phoenix Fire Department on it, a yellow slicker like we wear and rubber boots.' 'They're all manufactured right here in Phoenix , so we can get them fast.'

Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy, dressed him in his uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the waiting hook and ladder truck. Billy got to sit on the back of the truck and help steer it back to the fire station.

He was in heaven.

There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day and Billy got to go out on all three calls. He rode in the different fire engines, the Paramedic's van, and even the fire chief's car. He was also videotaped for the local news program.

Having his dream come true, with all the love and attention that was lavished upon him, so deeply touched Billy, that he lived three months longer than any doctor thought possible.

One night all of his vital signs began to drop dramatically and the head nurse, who believed in the hospice concept - that no one should die alone, began to call the family members to the hospital.

Then she remembered the day Billy had spent as a Fireman, so she called the Fire Chief and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the hospital to be with Billy as he made his transition.

The chief replied, 'We can do better than that. We'll be there in five minutes. Will you please do me a favor? When you hear the sirens screaming and see the lights flashing, will you announce over the PA system that there is not a fire?'

'It's the department coming to see one of its finest members one more time. And will you open the window to his room?' About five minutes later a hook and ladder truck arrived at the hospital and extended its ladder up to Billy's third floor open window, 16 fire-fighters climbed up the ladder into Billy's room.

With his mother's permission, they hugged him and held him and told him how much they LOVED him.

With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the fire chief and said, 'Chief, am I really a fireman now?' 'Billy, you are, and the Head Chief, Jesus, is holding your hand,' the chief said.

With those words, Billy smiled and said, 'I know, He's been holding my hand all day, and The angels have been singing..' He closed his eyes one last time.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

'Extreme Makeover' of Michelle Obama

Is her makeover going to work?

We are finding out the truth about Obamas. Now, Michelle Obama tries to re-invent herself to get women voters particularly Hillary Clinton supporters. She has been painted as an unpatriotic, angry, black woman. Now, Michelle Obama is in process of ‘extreme makeover’ for her image as kinder, gentler, and soften Michelle Obama. It’s attempt to get critical women voters. Michelle Obama appeared on ABC’s “The View” Wednesday with her new image. Originally she was invited as a guest but she requested to be a host as Cindy McCain appeared on the same show previously.

Obama has been whining just about everything including about his wife being criticized because what she said about America. Her speeches “the first time in my adult life I’ve never been proud of my country before” at a Wisconsin rally early in the primaries for her husband’s candidacy. Her remark indicates that her true feelings toward America. She didn’t say that she has never been more proud to be an American, she said, ‘she had never been proud to be an American BEFORE.”

Her remark tells me that rather than being grateful for the opportunities she has received that are not available in most countries, she seems ungrateful. No doubt her personal achievements are remarkable however her attitude seems resentful.

Obama also complained about McCain that he didn’t speak against media exploring Michelle Obama to protect her. Another words, Obama wants McCain to protect his wife. In my opinion, if my husband asks someone else to protect me, I wouldn’t respect him. In a bigger picture, what is Obama going to do if terrorists keep attacking the United States? Is he going to ask other countries to protect us? He should vote for McCain. McCain will protect him and his wife including us.

I agree that most of people do not think Obamas’ race is the issue; it is that Obamas themselves define everything in terms of race when anyone criticizes him and his wife. We have seen time after time his selection of social involvement indicates who they are despite rhetoric that his desire to unite all races. Not even mention about his relationship with father Pflager and a terrorist William Ayers.

Trinity is a United Church of Christ that subscribes to black liberation theology. According to Wikipedia, “black theology is a form of liberation theology that has its center in the Theme of oppression of Blacks by Whites.” Some people would argue that he no longer belongs to the church. However, his departure was involuntary. He denounced Rev. Wright and the church membership because of criticism about his relationship with the church was getting out of hand. Staying with a church for 20 years, which preaches that the majority of white Americans are their oppressors and choosing to raise their daughters in that church is a much better indication of the Obamas true feelings particularly toward white race.

I found out that Michelle and Barack Obama have done a lot of good causes, most of their causes seem to be centered around black race. Nothing's wrong with that at the moment. However, I don't believe their core feelings toward white race which had cultivated for 20 years from their Church can change over night. My question is that can their feelings be changed when they become a president and first lady?

Michelle Obama has been compared with Jackie Kennedy. I think that it’s a ridiculous comparison. No matter what kind of extreme makeover she might do, there is nothing that identifies with Jackie Kennedy’s refined, cultured, and gracious persona. Her makeover can not cover her true resentful, abrasive, and entitled demeanor.

Will Extreme Makeover of Michelle Obama change her to be a First Lady material?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Join Energy Independence Campaign

Our Declaration of Energy Independence this 4th of July: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
By Newt Gingrich

For Americans, the 4th of July is about more than the birth of our country. It's about the will of the people triumphing over the will of the elite.

It's a day that celebrates a document, the Declaration of Independence, with a revolutionary premise: Governments are created to secure the God-given rights of citizens, not to grant them their rights. On the 4th of July, we all remember what Ronald Reagan told us, that we are a nation with a government, not the other way around.

This 4th of July, as the price of gas tops $4 a gallon, the will of the people is triumphing over the will of the elite once again. As I write this, over 800,000 Americans have gone to AmericanSolutions.com and signed our "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition.

Send a Message to Washington This Independence Day - One Million Strong

Our goal for this 4th of July is to have one million Americans sign the petition and send the message to Washington that enough is enough.

While Congress blames everyone but themselves for high gas prices, Americans are hurting.

While foreign dictators receive more and more of our energy dollars, America sits atop proven domestic sources of energy, both conventional and unconventional.

While Washington elites can't or won't act, the American people see the first step to a practical, common sense way out of this crisis: Drill here. Drill now. Pay less.

It's time, this 4th of July, for another declaration of independence - a declaration of energy independence. It's time to declare our independence from foreign dictators and independence from instability in the supply of affordable energy.

And it's time to declare our independence from complacency and inaction in Washington.

What You Can Do to Help Chuck Norris and Be a Part of Our Campaign

Maybe one of the reasons for the incredible success of our petition drive is this video. When Chuck Norris tells people to do something, people listen.

Here's what you can do:
  • If you haven't signed the "Drill Here, Drill Now" petition, you can do so here. Our goal is to have a million Americans signed up by the 4th of July.
  • Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) is circulating a similar pledge to members of Congress that states: "I will vote to increase U.S. oil production to lower gas prices for Americans." Here's the list of those who have signed so far.
  • On July 4th, attend your local town hall meetings and parades and ask your Representatives and Senators where they stand on acting now to lower gas prices.

Where's the "Change?" Politicians Put Special Interests Ahead of Kids in D.C.

"Change" is all the rage these days, but this next item is such an egregious example of the special interest, bureaucratic status-quo strangling real change that it should shame every politician who claims to stand for change yet sits passively by while positive change for children is extinguished.

The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program has rescued 1,900 low-income Washington, D.C. kids from one of the worst public school systems in the country.

It does so by giving them annual vouchers worth $7,500 for the school of their choice. This is a bargain for taxpayers, because the D.C. public school system spends fifty percent more - about $13,000 - per child for an education that is far worse.

Low-income parents are flocking to the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program. More then 90 percent have expressed high satisfaction with it. They use words like "Godsend" and "lifeline."

Parents Love the Program. Education Bureaucrats Hate It.

But the education bureaucracy and the teacher's union bosses hate the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program. Why? Because if school choice can succeed in Washington, D.C. it can succeed anywhere. And if that happens, our public school system will start serving kids instead of bureaucrats.

So to make sure that our public schools don't start putting students ahead of special interests, some politicians are trying to kill the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program - and they may just succeed.

Amazingly, D.C.'s nonvoting delegate in Congress, Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton, is leading the effort to deprive 1,900 of her most desperate constituents of the opportunity that is literally saving their lives. She wants to take away the school choice most politicians take for granted. But opposition to the program doesn't fall strictly along party lines. D.C.'s Democratic mayor supports the program, as does the former mayor, also a Democrat.

An Opportunity for Obama and/or McCain

This travesty of special interest politics represents an enormous opportunity for Senators Barack Obama and John McCain.

Both claim the mantle of change. What could do more to prove they're serious about reform than to take up the cause of low-income kids about to be sacrificed upon the altar of union bossism?

Here's what one D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program parent told the Wall Street Journal: "Most of the politicians have choices on where to send their kids to school," says William Rush, Jr., who has two boys in the program. "Why do they want to take our choices away?"

Senators McCain and Obama should meet with parents like William Rush and learn how this small program - which costs about what the Department of Education spends in half an hour - is changing their children's lives.

Then they should prove that they're serious about that word they constantly use - "change" - and work to save this worthy program.

A Decision Which Cannot Be Allowed to Stand

Finally, there has been a lot of commentary about the Supreme Court's narrowly divided decision last Thursday (Boumediene v. Bush) to allow enemy combatants like those terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay to challenge their detention in U.S. courts.

Let me be clear where I stand: This is among the most arrogantly irresponsible Supreme Court decisions in American history and it cannot go unanswered by the other two branches of government. It is an appalling dereliction of duty if the executive and legislative branches fail to explicitly and swiftly reassert their sole dominion over the national security policy of our country.

Congress and the President Need Not Acquiesce to a Tyrannical Court

There is significant precedent in American history for believing that the legislative and executive branches can act to restrict the reach of judicial decisions as well as force the judicial branch into changing its views when they are out of touch with the constitutional values, practices, and traditions of America.

President Thomas Jefferson and the Jeffersonians successfully fought back against the Federalists' use of the courts to impose their agenda over the will of the people. After the Federalists lost the election of 1800, but before the new Jeffersonian congressmen took office, the Federalists more than doubled the number of federal circuit judges (from seventeen to thirty-five) and packed them with loyal Federalists. The Jeffersonians reacted by simply eliminating all eighteen new federal circuit court judgeships.

President Abraham Lincoln refused to treat the Dred Scott decision, which both declared unconstitutional a federal law that had limited the extension of slavery and that blacks were not citizens under the Constitution, as legally binding on the executive branch. For example, his administration issued U.S. passports to free blacks and signed legislation that placed restrictions on slavery in the federal territories, positions at odds with the Dred Scott decision.

And in June 1942, when German spies who had landed in the U.S. to carry out acts of industrial espionage were captured by the FBI, President Franklin D. Roosevelt acted swiftly to signal to the Supreme Court that he was not going to entertain court intervention. First, FDR issued an executive order on July 2, 1942 that the detainees were to be subject to trial immediately by military commission. FDR also made clear to his attorney general what his reaction would be to any writ of habeas corpus: "One thing I want clearly understood . . . I won't give them up . . . I won't hand them to any United States marshal armed with a writ of habeas corpus." FDR understood the Supreme Court was supreme in the judicial branch but it was not supreme over the other two political branches.

The executive and legislative branches possess clear constitutional powers to check and balance decisions of the judicial branch. The Boumediene decision requires that the executive and legislative branches act to reestablish a constitutional balance among the three branches. I will be writing more about this subject in weeks to come.

Your friend,

Newt Gingrich

If you missed the opportunity to read his best selling new novel Days of Infamy, it's a great book to read for this summer. As well as his first novel in the Pacific War series, Pearl Harbor is available.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oil and Troble

by Bill O'Reiley
Posted: 06/14/2008

The gas station guy in my town is exhausted from climbing the ladder every day in order to change the price sign. Of course, it's up, up and away. High gas prices, I predict, will become the biggest issue in the presidential campaign.

This week, Republican senators blocked a Democrat-sponsored bill that would have imposed a "windfall profits" tax on the five major oil companies. Since these companies made about $36 billion in profits in the first quarter alone, "windfall" may be understating it.

The GOP says the bill would not have lowered gas prices as any tax punishment would be passed along to gasoline consumers. But let me break this to the Republicans gently: Folks are angry with the oil companies. Unless you guys can help bring some relief to beleaguered American working people, the Democrats will wipe you out.

Of course, both parties are at fault. Every president in the last 50 years has whiffed on alternative energy. While Brazil emphasized flex-fueled vehicles operating largely on sugar-based ethanol, our presidents and congresspeople took junkets to the Middle East to hug Saudi Arabian oil sheiks. And now, as Reverend Wright is fond of saying, the chickens have come home to roost.

The gangsters that run OPEC understand that technological advances will diminish oil demand down the road. So, they are accumulating as much cash as possible right now. It costs Saudi Arabia about $2 to market each barrel of oil. Last week, those huggable Saudis charged the world $138 for that barrel.

The oil apologists say it's a "supply and demand" thing. Sure. Here's a bulletin: When you limit the supply, as OPEC is doing, the demand will skyrocket. Yeah, China and India are using more oil. Yeah, the U.S. dollar is weak. But in most competitive businesses, if your customers want more product -- you put out more product. Not in oil. OPEC keeps production down to maximize profits.

So, enough. The oil scam is hammering the U.S. economy, and, if Iran keeps causing trouble, gas prices might double from here. Israel stated this week that it will take military action against Iran if it continues developing nukes. Since I believe the crazy mullahs actually want that to happen because it would inflame worldwide jihad, this is an obviously a crisis situation.

Congress must mandate by law that American car and truck manufacturers begin to produce a high percentage of flex-fuel vehicles. Once that law is passed, gas stations will begin installing alcohol-based fuel pumps. Congress must also drop import tariffs on alcohol-based fuel so countries like Brazil can sell them to us.

We simply have got to get away from the oil cartel. It's a national security issue.

What say you, John McCain and Barack Obama?

Mr. O'Reilly is host of the Fox News show "The O'Reilly Factor" and author of "Who's Looking Out for You?"


Friday, June 13, 2008

JESUS Walked Everywhere.

A joke...

A teenage son came to his father and asked, " Dad, I'm old enough to drive now and I need a car."
The father promised him he would buy his son a car if he accomplishes three things by the end of his semester; cut his long hair, his grades up, and cleans his act like Jesus.
After the end of the semester, the son came to his father and said, "Dad, I have done everything you asked for and I deserve the car you promised."
Dad looked at his son and found that he still has a long hair.
Dad asked, "Son, you still have a long hair."
Son replied, "Dad, I thougt about it and found out that Jesus had a long hair."
Dad smiled and replied, "Son, Jesus walked everywhere."

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Clint Eastwood vs. Spike Lee

It’s ironic that Spike Lee is complaining about Clint Eastwood not casting black actors in his film Letters from Iwo Jima(2006) and Flags of Our Fathers(2006) since there is hardly a white actor in Spike Lee’s films.

Spike Lee criticized Clint Eastwood at the Cannes Film festival last month about Clint Eastwood’s film ‘Flags of Our Fathers' saying, “Clint Eastwood made two films about Iwo Jima that ran for more than four hours total, and there was no one Negro actor on the screen.” The feud escalated when Eastwood responded Spike Lee’s criticism with ‘shut his face’.

The movie Flags of Our Fathers is about famous flag-raising picture and the story evolved around solders that were in it. There was neither black solder in the picture nor in the film. However, Lee’s accusation of racism on Clint Eastwood is hard to sell.

Spike Lee have criticized Eastwood once before about making
Bird a Charlie Parker biopic that had a multiracial cast. He also complained that Eastwood and Woody Allen, two white directors, were making jazz films. Whatever the reason, Spike Lee seems have a problem with white directors. I wonder if the criticism reversed what kind of public outrage would take place.

Isn’t it getting old to complain about black and white racism in the entertainment? There are so many great actors, actresses, directors and producers in all areas of entertainment industry are black and they are all well recognized by public. Spike Lee is a militant who either doesn’t care about fact or actually fear about his own skin.

Clint Eastwood is one of my favorite actors as well as producers. I consider him as one of the true Hollywood greats; not only his acting ability but also his interpretation ability in his own movies. His recent credits including Million Dollar Baby, Mistic River, Letters from Iwo Jima, and Flags of Our Fathers.

Spike Lee also is considered one of the talented filmmakers and have directed many movies including Inside Man and 'Mo' Better Blue'. The time of his complaints is very interesting however. Perhaps he is using Clint Eastwood as a bate to get publicity on his own upcoming World War II drama Miracle at St. Anna.

If that's the case, it’s very unfortunate that racism still used to get publicity. Media is played by it.